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STAR TREK the Movie

I had no expectations going in...I was overall very pleased with the movie. Great effects, the guy that played McCoy totally nailed in, and in my opinion stole the whole show.

I kept waiting for Sylar...errr....Spock to cut somebody's head open.

Kinda like watching LOTR and waiting for that elf king to say, "Hello, Mr Anderson."

But I digress

Hollywood is making nothing but garbage these days(maybe I'm getting old). I love the original TV series and am waiting for it to come out in BLU-Ray.
I think they just released TOS on blu-ray, and IIRC it has the enhanced and unaltered versions of the episodes.

Too bad that we have to wait two years for the next film. How about putting that cast in a TV series? It'd give NBC a chance to redeem themselves after all these years.:wink:
I saw the movie last night and quite enjoyed. I too wish they hadn't brought Leonard Nimoy in but it was forgivable. Music in my opinion was good, but that's it. There were a few times where I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be feeling, but an overall enjoyable score. I thought the actors did well and I was more than pleased.
I saw it at the IMAX over the weekend. I'm far from being a Trekkie, but I do remember watching a few episodes as a kid, and maybe a movie or two? I picked up on a few of the lines from the shows. Really enjoyed the graphics and huge sound of the IMAX though. Pretty cool seeing a movie there.
Knowing? Give me a break. The only more clichéd copout than time travel is aliens. Wolverine was a disappointment. They really took the whole "claws" thing way too far. I know it's a comic book movie, but come on. The bullets thing was absurd.
I was very happy with how they presented Star Trek. Perfect? No. But it was quite enjoyable. Definitely worth seeing. I loved all the references. And the green babe was hot.
I did go see the new Star Trek movie Sunday. First film I have seen in a theatre in years. I was worried that I was not going to like it but was happily surprised. I had worried about how they were going to fit Nimaoy into but it worked too. As Spock would say, it was logical.

Overall a fun film and it breathed new life into an old franchise.

I still have no plans on seeing The Day The Earth Stood Still though!:tongue_sm
Just be sure to forget that you know anything at all about science before you go...
It's one of those movies...

How so? I thought it was pretty good sci-fi. What tech elements were "unscientific"? I mean, granted...none of the things going on are currently possible, but that doesn't mean they aren't plausible.

How so? I thought it was pretty good sci-fi. What tech elements were "unscientific"? I mean, granted...none of the things going on are currently possible, but that doesn't mean they aren't plausible.


Oh let me count the ways:
Let's start with the fact that there is exactly 0 possibility that you could outrun a nuclear blast in a UH-1D style utility helicopter.

Move on to the scene where Connor gets punched by a terminator and flys at least 10 feet, denting sheet metal on impact. The amount of force required to send someone flying like that would have killed him outright.

Speaking of force, the scene where Connor is able to take out a motorcycle terminator by stretching a rope across the road. In order to be able to hold that rope taught while the robot was crashing into it, he would have had to wrap it SEVERAL times to multiply the friction force enough so that the rope didn't simply slip out of his hands. He didn't.

How about some plot holes?

With the amount of nuclear fallout present from judgement day why did they not all die of radiation poisoning?
Why would skynet central have interfaces built for humans to use?
Why didn't skynet kill Kyle Reese as soon as they captured him? They were able to identify him, but then just locked him up?

Etc.. Etc... Etc... :tongue_sm
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I only have 2 things to say about this film:

I thought Kirk was a totally unlikable a**hole.

Using hard rock/metal/punk/whatever instead of a score like other Star Treks is a big no-no in my book.
Saw it yesterday.

Two hours of my life were wasted.

Save time and money folks.

Don't go.


I've only heard just the opposite. I have a friend that is a hard core Trekkie and he loved it.

I'll see it for myself. Thanks for starting this thread though, I like to read others reviews/opinions.
After getting past the fact that the birds of prey decloaked and were destroyed instead of begging for their lives from the notorious Kirk and running away like school girls:biggrin:, and the obvious alternate reality faux pax. It kicked butt! Maybe this was what was needed a movie that instead of fan fare for just us geeks and fans they decided to make it appealing to a new generation of folks who have never read the books or seen the shows.

A good mix of fan fair and reaching out to new fan base i say. Maybe now it wont die off:w00t:

I finally got around to watching it this weekend... I'm glad I did.
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