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<<< “SOTD - Vintage Week” February 14th, 2022 to February 20th, 2022 >>>

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Slays On Fleek - For Rizz
I can do vintage. I LOVE vintage!

Williams Mug Soap
Carr diner mug
Rubberset 400
Schick Paul Revere

Haven't got anything vintage to share, so I'll stick with my regular gear, sorry lads!


Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Yaqi Barberpole Tuxedo 30mm
Soap: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire
Razor: Cheap and nasty Wahl DE Shavette
Blade: Astra Green (3)
Post-shave: Alum Block, Nivea Aftershave Balm and some of the Missus' face stuff.
Music Cold Chisel - When the War is Over // Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms.

Much better shave than yesterday even after receiving some **** news from the guys I deployed with, that's for sure. Got pretty close to a DFS with just the shavette and minimal touch ups from the Rockwell. Hopefully my technique can improve even more so when my Feather SS folder arrives I can make a good go of it.
  • Vintage Feather Portable Razor
  • Super-Max Diamond edge SP
  • Arko stuffed in Williams bicentennial pewter mug
  • Vintage VDH brush
  • Lilac Vegetal Aftershave
Keeping the theme of vintage SOTD, I looked for something "vintage" and unusual in my razor chest and picked up the Feather Portable for a 15th Shave on the Super-Max Diamond Edge blade for OBIF'22 challenge.

I bought a few of these razors in 2010 for around 11 bucks a piece off Pauldog from over at SMF, who had the last known remaining stocks of this razor at sane prices before Feather discontinued this nice razor.

I looked up on ebay today. A NIB Portable razor sells for $199 on the auction site with shipping extra from Japan ! :eek2:

A wonderful light nimble razor, more aggresive than the Gilette Tech, cuts effectively riding guard tending to neutral angle for a smooth, efficient shave!



Check Out Chick
Staff member
1) Italy: Brush Omega 10777.
2) Italy: Shaving Soap Proraso Red Tub.
3) England: Razor Gillette Red Tip.
4) Turkey: Razor Blade Derby Extra.
5) France: Alum Block Osma.
6) Germany: Aftershave Balm L’Oréal Men Expert Hydra Sensitive Aftershave Balm.
7) USA: EDT Jovan Musk Cologne.

SOTD : 15th February 2022.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Sea Salt & Fennel Extract 2 in1 Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears Transparent Bar Soap with Mint Extracts.
Brush: Frank Shaving 22mm Synthetic.
Face Lather.
Lather: Ingram menthol Shave cream.
Blade: Ted Pella PTFE SS. ( D6)
Razor: Ever-Ready 1914. (US) (Brass)

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./Alcolado Glacial mentholated Splash Lotion./Nivea Men Fresh Moisturising Gel.


Early morning shave,

It's been a while since i last had a 'Full On' menthol themed shave, which is an invigorating wake up call for my face sensors!

The Ingram menthol cream i haven't used for a while either and forgot how little is required to produce a good amount of protective slick lather with a good punch of menthol within it.

I have mentioned before the Ever Ready vintage SE razors are a pleasure to shave with, once you've adjusted to the required shaving angle training your mind to use good shaving technique these vintage SE razor's will reward you with some sublime shaves.

Another enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report....Finishing the shave off with a small dollop of Nivea Men Fresh Moisturising Gel.

My face is feeling silky smooth & smelling divine. ;)

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen. :cool:
SOTD #046/2022

>> Tallow Tabac Tuesday <<

Excellent shave today with the Lupo .95 loaded with the Perma-Sharp (15), it's been a smooth one at a high level of efficiency. 2 passes today, BBS.

Vintage? Only the scent of Tabac, if at all. 😉

Happy shaves!
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SOD Tuesday February 15, 2022

My 1959 Gillette made an appearance!

Brush: Simpson T3 Trafalgar
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper Bowl
Pre shave: None
Lather: Southern Witchcrafts Carmilla
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather HI Stainless (1)
Razor: Gillette Styler
Post: Omega Alum Block
Post: Thayers Witch Hazel
Lotion: None
Balm: Southern Witchcrafts Carmilla

Have a great day!!
Razorock little Bastone and derby extra is truly flash back !
Indeed. For this I have to credit my parents. Never throw anything away, part of my upbringing. :001_smile

Last used Derbys years ago. Got a tuck with a razor I recently purchased. Reminds me of just how uncomfortable a blade can be. Not drawing blood, no irritation, so I think I will survive the ordeal.

Have used the Little Bastone with various blades. Not my favorite, but provides an acceptable shave.
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Shave of Day Travel.jpg

Face wash with Cera Ve Hydrating Facial Cleaner
Ethos Lavender
Rudy Vey with Shavemac D01 two band knot
Captain’s Choice Copper
Karve with C Plate
Personna Lab
Thayers WH & Ethos Skinfood
Versace The Dreamer
Using a different razor in my rotation: Karve with C Plate loaded with a Personna Lab blade. The Karve was always a razor I liked but the Henson AL 13 has spoiled me! A nice shave just not as smooth as with the Henson. The Ethos is on its 49th use and, once again, made a nice slick lather. A nice BBS shave. The only thing vintage is me!

Have a good one, gents.
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