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Some funky turned handles for razor-knives (repurposed broken razors)

I posted these three some months back now, ground down into smaller marking knives or whatever use really.

They had no handles at the time. I had some random acrylic bit I decided to just turn some out of quickly - came out better than I expected really. Actually feels decent in my hand.




@alpster nicely done - what did you use for the little finial cap at the end?
It came from a kit for a pipe smoking tamper. I am looking for some drawer pulls or door knobs from doll house building that may work so as not to have to lose a whole kit to rob one piece.
If your don’t have a metal lathe, try some aluminum, brass, or copper rod on your wood lathe. Carbide tools work easily but hss will even cut better than most folks expect. By the color looks like a PM lathe so probably has plenty of ability.
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