[QUOTE it does make the brush soften up and you can squeeze out what you don't need.[/QUOTE]
I no longer soak my brushes while showering. I find especially with my boars that they become floppier than I like. A quick run under the faucet or quick soak in my bowl while choosing my soap and razor is all I need. I have no problem building lather.
I agree, I have found though that soak times vary on what brush I am using. My silvertip works wonderfully with just a minute or less sitting in the sink as I fill it up. My boar brush needs at least a ten minute soak and so forth and so on.
I fill the sink and put the brush in while I shower, both badger and boar.
Not because I'm seeking a specific soak time but because it's just easier for me.
I use the sink full of water while I shave anyway, so I'd have to fill it. Putting the brush in before I shower just saves me the trouble of trying to specifically wet the brush.
The science of all this is not clear to me. No matter how long I soak my brush I wring it out before making lather. Then I might add a few drops to my scuttle, and maybe do that several times. Of, if face lathering, I might dip the tips. If anyone understands the science of this could you explain how soaking it longer could/would affect the final lather.
I'm using a synthetic brush too and have noticed no benefit at all to soaking it as opposed to just giving it a quick swoosh in the sink. I think soaking only really benefits natural hair.
I have never considered soaking my boar brush but it sounds like a good idea and anything that gives me a better lather with Arko is worth a try.
Might soak the bowl, razor and brush while I take a shower and heat everything up nicely. Might not be too good for the Astra SP that already has a spot of rust on it after 4 shaves.
Yep 4 shaves in a Fatboy set at 5 and still giving BowlingBallShaves
I always leave my brush in the bowl/mug full of hot water then I jump in the shower for 5-10 minutes. When im done showering I shake the brush to remove most of the water. Voila!
Hey Sparco ya wanna fight, yeah I'm pointing at you, think your tough showing your teeth around here? Have a go at those barry beef, look like Aliens choppers.
I normally do soak my brush, simply because it is easy to do on the days when I shave after showering. On the days when I shave in the evening, however, I do not, simply wetting the brush under running water, and I see no difference in the results.
I notice that after a good soak the brush doesn't drop as much water after a squeeze and shake, seems to have soaken up a lot more water. When I used to just run my brush under the tap and then squeeze it would drop a lot more water.
Seems to load much better from soap also, especially MWF. Brush seems to load in a more creamier way also from a hard soap.