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Small Wedges

I shaved today with a Spike razor. Every time I shave with one of these small wedgy razors I am impressed. I also have a similar Red Imp 132.


It got me thinking of other brand small wedges. I did a search of currently listed wedges on eBay, and I found the following brands. I didn’t think there would so many.

Case Red Imp 132

Union Cutlery Spike

Union Cutlery Wedge

Bowden’s Wedge

Genco Wedge

Dubl Duck Satin Wedge

Salamander Works Our Wedge

Sears & Roebuck Craftsman Wedge

Wester Bros. Yankee Wedge

Gram Plumacher Black Diamond wedge

Cranford Razor Works Wedge

G.D Abrams Super-Wedge

Weeden & Kremp W-K Wedge
The Union Spike is an excellent razor. Simple blade design with sturdy scales, good steel and good grinding. They seem too have come in sizes between 4/8 (possibly 9/16) and 5/8. A 5/8 in good condition is a great little shaver.

The Case Temperite 20 has the same blade as the Red Imp 132 but different scales. You will also see the Red Imp 132 in sizes between 4/8 and 5/8.

The Satin Wedge is a nice little razor but, unfortunately, suffered from cell rot.

I have seen numerous other little American wedges - like the Salamander - that look like clones of the Red Imp 132 or Union Spike. I have wondered if they are rebranded razors from Case or Union Cutlery. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much information out there about these razors.

I only wish that Case had made the Red Imp 132 in 6/8.

Above is my Lory Wedge.

What a great shaver. I'm a fan of wedges. Unlike hollows, they're quiet and they have a heft to them that feels good on the face. This one is 11/16 of I remember. I haven't seen another one, so I'm not sure if they're rare or not.

I also just purchased a minty Red Imp 132 in 11/16 as well. Gorgeous razors.
A more general comment - I find that there is an optimal amount of mass or heft in a razor to keep the razor from bouncing around. For hollows this typically means a 7/8” but for wedges 6/8” is my sweet spot and even 5/8” are pretty stable.
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