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Skin bracer


I'm a Lumberjack.
Angel's breath.

It's a unique smell. It falls in the Aromatic-Green family. Not enough grass/fern to be an Aromatic Fougere; it's more of a classic barbershop scent. There's lavender, musk, powdery notes, some spice, and, of course, menthol.
Thanks for the description. There’s a lot going on. I’m a tiny bit disappointed that as a store product it’s several dollars more than competitors.
Glass or plastic?
I got AV musk for $3
It only comes in plastic. But the plastic is better quality than Clubman's -- no strange odor added.

If you've never used Skin Bracer ... you won't be blasted with fragrance like AV. You can catch the vanilla and lavender but the powderiness is what I like best. It's very subtle. Almost like it alludes to fragrance. As @WThomas0814 describes it, a classic barbershop scent.
What does skin bracer smell
I’m thinking I must add it to my recent overlooked classic theme buying.

@WThomas0814 had a good description. I get some lavender, powder, woody notes, moss and vanilla mostly. A little bit of menthol.

Another way of describing It. Skin Bracer reminds me of a skilled tradesman going to work early in the morning back in the 1960's era. Kind of an everyman scent that was everywhere in those days.
In my area of south central Vermont I have seen it at every Dollar general, my local CVS over in NY, and the super Walmart close to me over in NY. A couple years ago I was given false info that it was being canceled so bought 9 bottles on sale.
I must investigate further. Although lavender is not my favorite perhaps I can smell test a bottle in a store.
It's ~$6 in the grocery store where I am. I sniffed it before buying. It's fine from the plastic bottle, but I poured some into glass and prefer the glassed version by a wide margin. The lavender is not dominant, and probably artificial - I have a terrible reaction to artisan soaps (and my own AS creations) with true lavender oil, not so with Skin Bracer.

Imagine if a speed stick style deodorant came in "cookie" scent. It has a sweet soapy vanilla powder note... I don't have much of a perfume vocabulary, I'm afraid. To me, there's a similar sweet vanilla powder note similar to Proraso Red, though that's where the similarities end.
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