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Single Ring Odd Ball? Double Stamped <Gillette> Logo, No Made in Info :o/

Just tossing another one of these bad boys out there to added to the theory. I picked this up today and it was just how The King had guessed it would be. It also seems to support Porters idea of the letters on the bottom of the barrel being an indicator of its final destination. My set has both the cap and base plate stamped with the Gillette logo, "Br.Pat.No 287630" wrapped around the top of the inner barrel and serial number E202419 at the bottom of the handle. Has a dating guide been put together for the English serial numbers? Well here are a few pictures.


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Congratulations elmerwood! Good to see that your set is in a nice condition, especially the case appears to be in excellent shape!
Very nice! Does the instruction booklet included with either of these two complete sets in this thread, elmerwood or thekinge, have any "fine print" like a copyright statement or a "printed by" credit that might help confirm anything about these sets?
Very nice! Does the instruction booklet included with either of these two complete sets in this thread, elmerwood or thekinge, have any "fine print" like a copyright statement or a "printed by" credit that might help confirm anything about these sets?
Off Topic....About time you came back, we kinda missed you around here:thumbup1:
Very nice! Does the instruction booklet included with either of these two complete sets in this thread, elmerwood or thekinge, have any "fine print" like a copyright statement or a "printed by" credit that might help confirm anything about these sets?

I went through my set of instructions and nothing.... I flipped through some of my other booklets and they have some neat info and even sales advertisements in them. I have a nice picture of the back side of this one though.


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Very nice! Does the instruction booklet included with either of these two complete sets in this thread, elmerwood or thekinge, have any "fine print" like a copyright statement or a "printed by" credit that might help confirm anything about these sets?

I checked my booklet, and there are no fine prints on mine unfortunately.
Just tossing another one of these bad boys out there to added to the theory. I picked this up today and it was just how The King had guessed it would be. It also seems to support Porters idea of the letters on the bottom of the barrel being an indicator of its final destination. My set has both the cap and base plate stamped with the Gillette logo, "Br.Pat.No 287630" wrapped around the top of the inner barrel and serial number E202419 at the bottom of the handle. Has a dating guide been put together for the English serial numbers? Well here are a few pictures.
That is a good idea, do we have enough of them to start it?
That is a good idea, do we have enough of them to start it?

We could certainly start assembling a list of examples, but I don't think we have enough information to try to line them up against particular dates, particularly if I'm correct in my theory that the serial prefixes from the Leicester plant indicated the market that the razor was bound for. If that was the case then the different series would have all been running concurrently.

Still, even just being able to attribute its manufacture to the Leicester plant gives you a pretty small window of time already -- certainly narrower than the un-serialed 1921-29 Old Types, for example.
We could certainly start assembling a list of examples, but I don't think we have enough information to try to line them up against particular dates, particularly if I'm correct in my theory that the serial prefixes from the Leicester plant indicated the market that the razor was bound for. If that was the case then the different series would have all been running concurrently.

Still, even just being able to attribute its manufacture to the Leicester plant gives you a pretty small window of time already -- certainly narrower than the un-serialed 1921-29 Old Types, for example.

If there is to be a dating guide for English serial numbers, I would like to contribute this example that has just arrived from France.

mblakele quoted this "Was "H" known to be used as a UK serial number prefix? At http://mr-razor.com/Rasierer/Old%20T...%20England.JPG I see another 'H' serial number, H711612 I think. That seems to be the only numbered one from the UK that Achim has, though. Gillette may have given up on serial numbers after the first million." at http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/285798-Is-this-a-British-made-single-ring
Mine is at least the 3rd example of a "H" serial number on a BR.PAT.No28783.02. The serial number appears to be H003530 and there is a GinD on the underside of the blade holder but no Gillette diamond. On the blade holder there is, on the opposite side to the serial number, what appears to be an ink stamp which I haven't been able to decipher.
I note that while my serial number precedes the one on Achim's site, the case appears to from a later time (mis-match??).

Anyone willing to offer a guess at the date for this razor?
Can I add my Single ring to the British database please. Mine has both the cap and base plate stamped with the Gillette logo,"Br.Pat.No 28763.02"around the top of the inner barrel and serial number E202482 at the bottom of the handle.

The number is so close to elmerwood's razor it could have been made the same day or week !

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Can I add my Single ring to the British database please. Mine has both the cap and base plate stamped with the Gillette logo,"Br.Pat.No 28763.02"around the top of the inner barrel and serial number E202482 at the bottom of the handle.

The number is so close to elmerwood's razor it could have been made the same day or week !

View attachment 454442View attachment 454443View attachment 454444

Hi mountainsea,

Nice find. I've added it to the database. Just two check questions. Does it have a case? Can you check under the guard plate for any stamps please. Its unlikely, but just checking.

Thanks for the contribution.

Cheers, George
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Hi sadly there is no case and no stamps under the guard plate, there is something - at first glance It looked like a downward pointing arrow that had been crossed out - but I am sure it is just a scratch

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