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Sick and tired of the upcomming election?

Are you sick and tired of the elections coming up?

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I cannot have a conversation with my dad anymore without him going off on some crazy rant.

He has gotten a little better after i told him I didnt want to visit if he was just going to yell and scream about politics.

Is it possible for any two people to have different political beliefs and discuss them civilly?

i am sick and tired that voter turnout for every election isn't 100%. Vote!

The U.S. needs to have a third political party, or is it a second political party, seeing that the D's and the R's are one in the same.
Yep... over it. Voted already...and glad I will be out of town for the last 2 weeks of the BS.
Best liar wins. Did see an interesting poll the other day... 68% of Americans do not trust Government....what a shock.
I would really to see the politicians campaign on what they intend to accomplish instead of trying to find fault in the other candidates. Those "faults" that are mentioned are often half truths or downright lies.
I wouldn't be so tired of it if it were illegal to mention your opponent in your TV ad.

Ads should be about what the candidate thinks and believes, not what a scumbag he thinks the other candidate is.


Unfortunately, that would require both conviction, an attribute missing among those willing to say whatever is required to win office, and honesty, a trait found wanting in those who would seek office.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
i'm sick of the negative ads

So true. I recall SNL once did a good spoof of negative ads (I think it was by Al Franken- how funny is that?) It went something like this-

Mario Cuomo says he's tough on crime, but in 1968 he killed a man.
Cuomo- he's a murderer.
Ads should be about what the candidate thinks and believes, not what a scumbag he thinks the other candidate is.

Sounds good, but truth and realism have no place in politics.

If a truly honest person were to run for a federal office, their campaign ad would read something like "If elected I am gonna spend about 60% of my time in office bringing pork and entitlements home to you fat idiots, so you'll re-elect me next time. Another 30% of my time in office will be spent feathering my own nest with backroom money and dirty deals. The remaining 10% of my time in office will be spent chasing the opposite sex and freeloading on lobbyist booze and vacations."

An honest person would never get elected in a million years.
I cannot have a conversation with my dad anymore without him going off on some crazy rant.

He has gotten a little better after i told him I didnt want to visit if he was just going to yell and scream about politics.
This is exactly how I am with my dad too. At his age I can't understand why he wants to argue all the time about this especially since he knows I disagree with him on about 95% of it.

And yes I'm sick and tired of it. Especially the local commercials.
I would really to see the politicians campaign on what they intend to accomplish instead of trying to find fault in the other candidates. Those "faults" that are mentioned are often half truths or downright lies.
Exactly. But if the ad convinces ONE person, that's one more vote, and job done. :001_rolle
I am sick and tired that voter turnout for every election isn't 100%. VOTE!
I'm waiting for a candidate that represents my point of view and will keep his/her promises after he/she is elected. I think you would have 100% turnout if one of the options was "none of the above".
As someone from Delaware I'm a bit torn on this. On one hand I'm enjoying that my state is getting so much national attention. On the other hand I'm embarrassed that we don't have better candidates.
Is it possible for any two people to have different political beliefs and discuss them civilly?

Of course! But, your point is rhetorical, saying that civil discourse is rare. And, I agree.

After many fruitless discussions with others of a different viewpoint, I have concluded that much of what we believe isn't based on fact. But, ideology. While you all are saying that I just wasted your time with the obvious, let me add that the research is adding up in support of hard-wiring within us that inclines us toward a particular viewpoint.

Some long-term studies started at kindergarten and ended when the subjects were mid-30s as I recall. It was found that there are characteristics in childhood behavior that very strongly, (but not infallibly) indicate whether a person will end up conservative or liberal.

The characteristics I remember are that children that end up as liberals more often like new toys and don't mind when things are moved. Children that end up conservatives more often have their favorite toys and like the room to remain unchanged and familiar.

Both traits, if I conveyed them fairly, are perfectly acceptable traits. But, they do to some degree map to later traits in my opinion.

If this is all true, when we are voicing our opinions, if they are to some degree visceral, we are probably wasting our time and the time of the person to whom we are talking. And, if true, it points out the need for compromise and acceptance of alternate viewpoints all the more.
I live in Kentucky, and I can't wait for this election to be over. All I can say is, if I didn't have a DVR and the ability to skip commercials I'd be crazy right now.
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