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Show us your first DE razor

My first DE was a Gillette fat boy, purchased new when I was a kid. I probably just threw it away when I "moved up" to the new Techmatic. Wish now I had kept it.
40's Super Speed.
My grandpa bought it new and I dragged it out of the medicine cabinet a few years after he passed away and have used it daily since.



My first razor was a Gillette Super Adjustable. I picked it up with the plastic container and a two pack of Platinum Plus blades. I gave it a shave with one of the blades (they still had oil on them, so no rust. It was amazingly good, and I was using Colgate canned foam. I then picked up a VDH boar brush and Deluxe soap at a Long's. After that I was hooked.

It is in the middle of this drawer pic below. Unfortunately my collection has since gotten far larger. Now I have stuff in the bathroom as well as some plastic bins under the bed!
I started with a Gillette Tech. Don't remember what I did with it. That was replaced with a Slim that I purchased new in 1964. I'll add a photo later.

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This is what I started with and works to this day just fine. Highly recommended!:thumbup:
My very first (around the time I came here) was a Tech; wasn't impressed, had it very briefly. Then got a Lady Gillette, which I now know was an ok shave (but seemed STUNNINGLY GOOD at the time). I consider that my first DE since it was really my first informed purchase. It's now been sold to a lady where I work who was complaining how high her Venus cartridges had gotten. I told her to try out the Gillette, with a new blade I'd included, and let me know. She came in the next day and handed me $20 and LAUGHED that her legs had not felt this smooth since she was a teenager (she's now in her 40s).

So my first actual DE led to my first DE convert.
First DE, Merkur HD Barber Pole, based on reviewing B&B posts and recommendation from Classic Shaving (which apparently no longer offers it):

Current favorite safety razor is an SE:

Current favorite straight is 6/8 Le Grelot 3/4 grind:
I am pretty sure that my first real DE razor was either a 60's SS from eBay, or more likely, a sweet Slim in Case from the greatness of Papa Smurf.
This is what I started with and works to this day just fine. Highly recommended!:thumbup:

Rainman, my 3 year old son got that exact thing for Christmas! I've hidden the can, and he now likes to lather up with one of my soaps every night when he takes a bath. Totally hilarious, but he takes great pride in "shaving".

BTW, my first DE was a 48-50 Milord with plenty of plate loss on the TTO doors - in a couple of places the brass is even worn. It clearly saw lots of action before I purchased it at an antique shop this summer.
I don't have a picture of my first DE that I've taken personally, but I think you all know what the 34c looks like- I received it just last week on Christmas and have only got 2 shaves under my belt...looking forward to many more years of DE shaving! :shuriken:

Just figured what the hell, Why not throw a ninja in there :001_rolle

Glad to be aboard!
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