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Shoelaces, tied "granny" vs "square"

Love the quick ian knot video and the shirt folding one is great.

This comment from the shirt vid made me cackle out loud: "The directions weren't clear enough, I got my dick stuck in my doorknob."
I think the real point was the underlying message. That most people think they are doing it right, but in fact over 50% are doing it wrong. It's a valuable lesson to bear in mind.

Lol, do you know what TED talks are? that's what I'm referring to. I did understand that we may not be tying our shoes right... and I dont care. :biggrin1:
Two thumbs up for this thread, and especially for Ouch. I've been struggling with my shoes coming untied ever since I started working some 20 years ago, and I hated resorting to double knots but since it looked so bad, but I hated even more retying my shoes several times a day. This morning I tried the strong version and it works!!! Holy cow - so excited! I know that's sort of pathetic, but this could be one of the best tips I've ever received.
I don't know what it is called, but if you wrap the shoe laces twice around before tightening it works well too. Look here.

Try that on leather laces and see how it works. You will notice that he originally ties his laces granny, then reties granny with the extra wrap.

This isn't that hard, it is literally a change in the direction of one of the two parts of the knot so the loops exit the same direction that the initial crossover exited.

Tying right over left, right over left creates a granny knot
tying left over right, left over right creates a granny knot

tying left over right, right over left creates a square knot
tying right over left, left over right creates a square knot


I always use the 'hockey' knot. I learned this knot when I played organized team hockey, back in the 1950's and early '60's, at outdoor hockey rinks in the coldest city in the world, with a population of over 600,000.:blink:

I mention this as it's important that your skate knots don't come untied when it's 25 to 30 below or colder and you've been outside at the rink for an hour or two.

You see at these temps with hockey gloves..the cold penetrates through and your fingers freeze. When they get very cold your fine motor skills...kind of disappear. If you know what I mean. Although you probably don't know what I mean if you live in more temperate climates.

So what's a hockey knot. You need long laces...not little short jobs....as there's a few ties in this knot.

Here goes...if you do this right, your laces won't come undone or loosen.

  1. Make sure the laces that cross the boot/shoe are pulled tight. In order to keep the tension throughout the tying process you must move quickly...so you don't lose any tension in any part of the laces.
2. The first tie is simply whirling the laces about 3-4 rimes around and pulled tight....quickly so you don't lose any tension.
3. The second tie is make loops on each end of the laces ...whirl through and pull tight...do this quickly so you don't lose any tension.

4. The third and last tie is to make loops with the remainder of the laces...whirl through and pull tight...do this quickly again so you don't lose any tension.

I'm in my 60's now and still tie all my boots and shoes this way. It's ingrained in me and more importantly it works. Of course you don't end up with some neat and fancy, little knot.

I've only heard of granny knots and square knots when I was in cub scouts.
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Wow. I can't believe I'm 52 y.o. and just learning this square not method. Tried it yesterday. My laces that normally need to be re-tied a few times a day stayed tight until I removed them at night. Thank you B&B.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
What type of knot do you use on the wax dress laces. I really dont have enough slack to do the quick knots that were referenced above. I actually just double knot them, since they always tend to come undone during the day.
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