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Shipping after shave?

Interesting hazmat fines -- even nail polish and ink. If you can prove you didn't know what you were doing was illegal, it's civil. If 'they' prove you were 'willful', it's criminal, a felony. If you work for a company and do so as an employee, you can still be held liable as an individual.

Reuters News Agency themselves received notice of a proposed $100,000 fine against them for a FedEx shipment of ink; and this is now a matter of public record, even before the case is completely adjudicated.

$375,000 Lone Star Aviation (Dallas air carrier, improper shipping of a flammable liquid)

$62,500 Longview Inspection Co. (batteries)

$60,000 LCM Transhield (undeclared shipment)

$82,500 Stark Sales (improper shipment of resin)

$65,000 Kasaba (a Peruvian company)

$72,000 Penalty Against Luxembourg Company for Hazmat Violations (3 oz bottles of Nail Polish)

$70,000 Penalty - Queen Nail and Beauty Products (PA ) (nail polish via UPS)

$76,000 Penalty Against Walgreen Co. for Hazmat Violations (Nail Polish)

$84,000 Penalty - Road Runner Trailers (Texas ) (3 ounce bottles of paint + 2 pints via UPS)

$70,000 Penalty Against American LaFrance for Hazmat Violations (Paint, via FedEx)

$59,500 Penalty Against Ohio Company for Hazmat Violations (Stamco/Monarch) Paint by UPS

$52,500 Penalty Against Ohio Company for Hazmat Violations (1 Gallon Paint)

$84,000 Penalty Against Pennsylvania Company for Hazmat Violations (Gallon Paint Cans)

84 Lumber $59,500 (4 Gal of Paint)

$50,000 Fine Against Irrifrance Industries for Hazardous Materials Violations (Paint)

$50,000 Penalty Against Homero Prida Bravo for Hazmat Violations (Varnish)

$52,500 Civil Penalty Against Baker Petrolite, Inc (12 oz paint)

$50,000 Hazmat Civil Penalty Against Montroy Supply (Paint)
Envirosolve $275,000 (Paint related)

Wigington Fire Sprinkler $70,000 (Paint related)
Ecolab $63,000 (Paint related)
*thinks* of all the ebay sellers who are in violation of the law cause they ship just about everything. And most don't know they are in violation of the law. But ebay doesn't make sure they know either or most wouldn't sell and they would lose in fee's. Sad they note when you buy an item in the baby section to check the recall info but they don't tell sellers (or buyers) that are selling nail polish that it can't legally be put into first class mail.
I was told by our postmistress who is a stickler for the rules, that they are not allowed to open any item except media mail. And only then if they suspect the package contains other materials other than books.

I do ship liquids that are non-toxic and safe to mail quite often. And out of a thousand packages only once a package did come back to me with a label stating they didn't know what the liquid contents was so it was returned. So from then on i started adding a label to the package saying the liquid contents are in permanently sealed bottles and does not require hazmat.

I'll feel safer next time I fly, no unmarked or concealed books in the belly of the aircraft.
It says Witch Hazel is good to go surface, they are probably assuming that all witch hazel contains alcohol, which we here know isn't true ;). I don't believe the alcohol free ones are flamable at all..

"Flashpoint" is the key word.
Anyone know if you can get internet access in prison? If not, it wouldn't be worth the risk of losing touch via B&B. Mostly for threads like this one! :wink:

It says Witch Hazel is good to go surface, they are probably assuming that all witch hazel contains alcohol, which we here know isn't true ;). I don't believe the alcohol free ones are flamable at all..

All witch hazel contains alcohol. The ones that do not, are not real witch hazel.
If I get caught, will you also send me some shaving gear in jail? :biggrin:

Better get a lot, because you'll likely have to share it with your new "friends." :eek:

Edit: just a joke; no offense, innuendo, or implication intended; not aimed specifically at mretzloff!
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No problems. If its been opened, just wrap some masking tape over the cap to be safe. They'll panic and destroy it if they see a wet corner on the box.
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If it leaks....




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