Interesting hazmat fines -- even nail polish and ink. If you can prove you didn't know what you were doing was illegal, it's civil. If 'they' prove you were 'willful', it's criminal, a felony. If you work for a company and do so as an employee, you can still be held liable as an individual.
Reuters News Agency themselves received notice of a proposed $100,000 fine against them for a FedEx shipment of ink; and this is now a matter of public record, even before the case is completely adjudicated.
$375,000 Lone Star Aviation (Dallas air carrier, improper shipping of a flammable liquid)
$62,500 Longview Inspection Co. (batteries)
$60,000 LCM Transhield (undeclared shipment)
$82,500 Stark Sales (improper shipment of resin)
$65,000 Kasaba (a Peruvian company)
$72,000 Penalty Against Luxembourg Company for Hazmat Violations (3 oz bottles of Nail Polish)
$70,000 Penalty - Queen Nail and Beauty Products (PA ) (nail polish via UPS)
$76,000 Penalty Against Walgreen Co. for Hazmat Violations (Nail Polish)
$84,000 Penalty - Road Runner Trailers (Texas ) (3 ounce bottles of paint + 2 pints via UPS)
$70,000 Penalty Against American LaFrance for Hazmat Violations (Paint, via FedEx)
$59,500 Penalty Against Ohio Company for Hazmat Violations (Stamco/Monarch) Paint by UPS
$52,500 Penalty Against Ohio Company for Hazmat Violations (1 Gallon Paint)
$84,000 Penalty Against Pennsylvania Company for Hazmat Violations (Gallon Paint Cans)
84 Lumber $59,500 (4 Gal of Paint)
$50,000 Fine Against Irrifrance Industries for Hazardous Materials Violations (Paint)
$50,000 Penalty Against Homero Prida Bravo for Hazmat Violations (Varnish)
$52,500 Civil Penalty Against Baker Petrolite, Inc (12 oz paint)
$50,000 Hazmat Civil Penalty Against Montroy Supply (Paint)
Envirosolve $275,000 (Paint related)
Wigington Fire Sprinkler $70,000 (Paint related)
Ecolab $63,000 (Paint related)
Reuters News Agency themselves received notice of a proposed $100,000 fine against them for a FedEx shipment of ink; and this is now a matter of public record, even before the case is completely adjudicated.
$375,000 Lone Star Aviation (Dallas air carrier, improper shipping of a flammable liquid)
$62,500 Longview Inspection Co. (batteries)
$60,000 LCM Transhield (undeclared shipment)
$82,500 Stark Sales (improper shipment of resin)
$65,000 Kasaba (a Peruvian company)
$72,000 Penalty Against Luxembourg Company for Hazmat Violations (3 oz bottles of Nail Polish)
$70,000 Penalty - Queen Nail and Beauty Products (PA ) (nail polish via UPS)
$76,000 Penalty Against Walgreen Co. for Hazmat Violations (Nail Polish)
$84,000 Penalty - Road Runner Trailers (Texas ) (3 ounce bottles of paint + 2 pints via UPS)
$70,000 Penalty Against American LaFrance for Hazmat Violations (Paint, via FedEx)
$59,500 Penalty Against Ohio Company for Hazmat Violations (Stamco/Monarch) Paint by UPS
$52,500 Penalty Against Ohio Company for Hazmat Violations (1 Gallon Paint)
$84,000 Penalty Against Pennsylvania Company for Hazmat Violations (Gallon Paint Cans)
84 Lumber $59,500 (4 Gal of Paint)
$50,000 Fine Against Irrifrance Industries for Hazardous Materials Violations (Paint)
$50,000 Penalty Against Homero Prida Bravo for Hazmat Violations (Varnish)
$52,500 Civil Penalty Against Baker Petrolite, Inc (12 oz paint)
$50,000 Hazmat Civil Penalty Against Montroy Supply (Paint)
Envirosolve $275,000 (Paint related)
Wigington Fire Sprinkler $70,000 (Paint related)
Ecolab $63,000 (Paint related)