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Shield Razors (Titanium,316 SS & Aluminum)


I concluded an entire week shaving with the Shield AC and a Schick Proline blade and all of those shaves were amazing. I was most surprised by the closeness of each shave and the lack of irritation even when doing three or sometimes more passes, including ATG.

Another thing which stood out to me, was that each shave took much less time than a shave with a DE razor. Maybe it's the wider AC head which allows for fewer strokes; basically three strokes are sufficient to remove stubble from one cheek. The efficiency of the AC blade did the rest.

I had a total of five shaves, each with a minimum of two passes and most with three passes, and I feel that the Schick could probably go for another 2-3 shaves. I binned it nevertheless today; it's better to stop while you're still ahead.

The Shield AC will definitely be a razor with a fixed place in my rotation as I really do like the trouble free and close, efficient shaves it provides. In my opinion, this razor is a great start into the AC razor format, for those who want to try this kind of razor. It's relatively inexpensive and very well done and most importantly it shaves like a dream.

Eben Stone

Staff member
Which DE? They've got two!
The normal one or the one with the 4 prong clampdown like the WR2?
Thanks for the info. I didn't know that they had two. I'm looking at the aluminum and titanium black cerakote, and they both look normal to me. But the photos on Alix aren't very good, so I can't tell for certain if they are 4 prongers or not.
Thanks for the info. I didn't know that they had two. I'm looking at the aluminum and titanium black cerakote, and they both look normal to me. But the photos on Alix aren't very good, so I can't tell for certain if they are 4 prongers or not.
Here you go (the normal one!)
I no longer own the 4 prong model!
Several angles from the world's worst photographer: 🤣

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