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Shaving with a Big Fellow

Thanks Glenn! These Big Gillettes are truly magnificent.

How does the New Deluxe Big Boy compare to the Old Type Big Fellow?

The New Deluxe BB is more aggressive than the Old Style Big Fellow, I'd compare the New Deluxe BB to my .74 gap Wolfman OC in aggression . The Old Type is the smoother and more forgiving of the two.

So I shaved with the New Improved Big Fellow this morning.
Gave the handle that 1/8 twist and wow! what a shave:

I know that each one of these razors shaves slightly differently and this one is definitely more aggressive than my Old Type Big Fellow with a whole lot of blade feel and, of course, beautifully smooth and well balanced.
For me these are Gillettes masterpieces!
So I shaved with the New Improved Big Fellow this morning.
Gave the handle that 1/8 twist and wow! what a shave:
View attachment 760302
I know that each one of these razors shaves slightly differently and this one is definitely more aggressive than my Old Type Big Fellow with a whole lot of blade feel and, of course, beautifully smooth and well balanced.
For me these are Gillettes masterpieces!

Spectacular looking razor MJ.
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