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Second thoughts about going straight.

+1 on all the comments re 'sense of accomplishment' and 'challenge'.

That's part of the attraction for me... and it gets to happen every day!

What a way to start the day - having achieved something challenging before I've even left the bathroom, let alone the house.:001_smile

It is also powerful having a daily task that requires your full attention - again one of the first things I get to do in my day.

All the best,
I get where your coming from. I'll stick with the Safety Razors.
Like I have said before, It takes a special something (which I don't have) to take a bare razor sharp blade to your neck and face.
I salute those who have it, but I'm staying over here where it's safe and warm.

+1 My short foray into straights was painful to both my wallet and various appendages on my face that I'm rather attached to....ears...nose...chin...etc.

Don't listen to them!! Run!!!!!!
Way to many more Acquisition Disorders await behind that door!!!

It's too late for me. I have even dabled in fabricating scales. Fun stuff.
I actually switch back from Straight to DE just because I want to. Keeps it fun.
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