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Sallys Beauty not longer sells Personna (labs) so I ordered a pack from Amazon.

Something must have gone wrong on the assembly line. The blades weren't bad they were unusable. I moved the razor maybe 1/8" inch and stopped. It felt like shaving with bare skin. They were made in 9-2021 so could that be a problem? Wouldn't think so. Ordered some Perma Sharps.
Something must have gone wrong on the assembly line. The blades weren't bad they were unusable. I moved the razor maybe 1/8" inch and stopped. It felt like shaving with bare skin. They were made in 9-2021 so could that be a problem? Wouldn't think so. Ordered some Perma Sharps.
Have had it happen with dispenser blades, too. I am not sure if they got damaged before or after going into the dispenser.
ive never used the dispenser version only the boxed one. I noticed that sallys only sells derbys now. Just a heads up they had the duke cannon shaving stuff on sale and I took full advantage of that. Not bad for that price. Anyways its probably the dispenser like he said. I have a numnber of personna CC blades that perform very similar to the accuforge blades they make now and all my boxes are marked 2020 and the dates on the cartons are after 2020....They all work pretty good for me atleast.
I've bought at least 1000 in packs of 100 from Super Safety Razor on Amazon and never had a single problem.

Your description is exactly what I experienced with AccuForge blades. Terrible things for me.
its the same blade im sure of it. its just like when people say the ones in the blue wrapper are different from the white wrapper. I think its all the same. I think its the placebo effect.


Ditto, ditto
its the same blade im sure of it. its just like when people say the ones in the blue wrapper are different from the white wrapper. I think its all the same. I think its the placebo effect.
Agree to disagree.

Having spent 40+ years managing manufacturing companies, I know with 100% certainty that new ownership will make changes to reduce cost.

Perhaps the blade is the same and the coating changed. What I know is that in my razors, on my face, with my soaps, the first two shaves with an AccuForge are much harsher than with a Lab Blue.
Agree to disagree.

Having spent 40+ years managing manufacturing companies, I know with 100% certainty that new ownership will make changes to reduce cost.

Perhaps the blade is the same and the coating changed. What I know is that in my razors, on my face, with my soaps, the first two shaves with an AccuForge are much harsher than with a Lab Blue.
that might be true though they changed the the name from "comfort coat" to "micro coat technology" so youre probably right. I find the first shave harsh but efficient and comfortable. I guess it would be a plus for me since that would mean the blade would last longer. The comfort coats are broken in by the second shave and by the third shave its kind of mediocre. So i would say 2-3 uses at best for me which is totally fine thats a weeks worth of shaves for me personally. I dont have the kind of growth to shave every single day. I never used the accuforge past the first shave so that might be a huge factor in why I dont see a difference.
They are not super consistent, and haven't been in the past. Maybe it's a wide tolerance. Maybe it's not using wax and tucks. Maybe both. I guess the old Energizer reds had tucks, and better paper.

I think the change in the coating around 2018 and general inconsistency in the product are the main reasons people disagree about them. The sharpest and best performing ones I tested were early 2020s blades, but I don't have the data to say random variation or something else.

Like any inconsistent blade, most people assume it is different or changing specs or processes, but that takes a lot of sampling to determine. Just as often, it is totally random, i.e., how old were the belts that ground your box of blades.

Edit to add: I won't be surprised to learn Accutec cheaped out on something along the way either.
I don't know, maybe I've just had good luck with them, but both the Personna Med Preps and the Lab Blues have been very good performers for me. Well about average in longevity, also.

I've not tried AccuGouge and won't on principle since I object to paying a lot more for the exact same thing as previously sold at more reasonable prices.
Something must have gone wrong on the assembly line. The blades weren't bad they were unusable. I moved the razor maybe 1/8" inch and stopped. It felt like shaving with bare skin. They were made in 9-2021 so could that be a problem? Wouldn't think so. Ordered some Perma Sharps.
I recieved a couple boxes of fake Personnas from Amazon last year .... sent them back and ordered from a verified seller ..... it's crazy to me that people take the time to go through the trouble 🤷‍♂️
I don't know, maybe I've just had good luck with them, but both the Personna Med Preps and the Lab Blues have been very good performers for me. Well about average in longevity, also.

I've not tried AccuGouge and won't on principle since I object to paying a lot more for the exact same thing as previously sold at more reasonable prices.
Yeah the new prices suck. But for me its a good performer regardless....but Im not gonna shave with it past 3 shaves. Thats just torture 🤣 personna CCs get tuggy after 2 shaves. But hey some people aren't as nuerotic as I am maybe they can just push it to 6 no problem.
Yeah the new prices suck. But for me its a good performer regardless....but Im not gonna shave with it past 3 shaves. Thats just torture 🤣 personna CCs get tuggy after 2 shaves. But hey some people aren't as nuerotic as I am maybe they can just push it to 6 no problem.

If I was planning to toss each blade after three shaves, I'd change strategy entirely and go with something like Gillette Wilkinson Sword at $6/100. A box of 100 would last around ten months. Not bad for $6.

Or just use the Perma-Sharps I already got for $10/100 a few years back. Those go for five or six shaves, usually.
look I have had people say that they went back to target multiple times to get van der hagen blades until they realized they could just get 100 for 7 dollars on amazon......its a thing.
Nope, sorry. The exclamation point paired with the question mark was totally justified by me, as every decision I've made monetarily in wetshaving has been completely rational and justified.

For example, have you seen my titanium nitride pvd coated razors yet?🤑
Nope, sorry. The exclamation point paired with the question mark was totally justified by me, as every decision I've made monetarily in wetshaving has been completely rational and justified.

For example, have you seen my titanium nitride pvd coated razors yet?🤑
lmao same I bought accuforge branded blades I cant talk
If I was planning to toss each blade after three shaves, I'd change strategy entirely and go with something like Gillette Wilkinson Sword at $6/100. A box of 100 would last around ten months. Not bad for $6.

Or just use the Perma-Sharps I already got for $10/100 a few years back. Those go for five or six shaves, usually.
Im not sure if I like the gillette wilkinson swords that much yet. Also perma sharps I have quite a few of but I did not get them super cheap or super expensive. Kind of in the middle. But I didnt pay shipping on amazon so thats alright. What I am noticing is that on amazon the prices are a little higher for blades but the shipping is built in because alot of vendors have to ship their items to an amazon facility. For example if you try to buy RK blades from Henson themselves. They end up charging 10 dollars for shipping and the final price is 20 dollars. But if you get them on amazon its 15 dollars but basically you are paying 10 dollars for the blades and 5 dollars for shipping so technically on that front they are cheaper. What I dont like is when vendors are selling these gillette blades for 20+ for 100 and still charging you shipping. That happens quite frequently outside of amazon. Basically my perma sharps are 15 dollars so they are like 10 dollars with a 5 dollar shipping fee on amazon.
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