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Ruminations on the Edge

You know, it depends!
I got my last 2.0 with that closeout sale that Italian Barber had which made it a no brainer. It was ridiculously cheap for what it is. But at full price I would probably just stay on the 1.1 considering what you paid for it too.
But.. you know I have to try them all which means I personally would probably break down. That's just me though, not trying to enable!
They are different: The finish, handles (long vs. short & fat), balance and a slightly different shave.
I know you've been asking for quite a bit which means you're at the point of almost pushing the button! 🤣
Your call though!
Not yet on the button. I have a lot of razors in that efficiency zone.
Lunch at Konspira in Wrocław. Beef goulash, potato pancakes, beet salad, surowka.



I shaved a fortune
[opinion, of course]

I found the Green Cult 2.0 to be quite aggressive and very, very heavy. The excessive weight added to the aggressiveness. I was trying to offset that heft. The design is archaic, they should mill off a lot more material and drop the weight significantly.
I used mine with a Ti Crown handle, as you no doubt recall. That made it quite pleasant to use. But there was the added cost of the handle.
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