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Rockwell T2 is really nice!

I didn't see any existing threads that were not For Sale ads or settings related so, here I am!

I scored this one from the BST area: Rockwell T2

The razor arrived while I was out of town so, I skipped my Sunday shave to give it a good test with heavy tough whiskers late on Monday. I loaded a brand new Feather blade and set it to setting "3" and latered up using Aveeno canned shave cream on a basically dry face prior to the Aveeno application.

The mechanism to load the blade is a work of ART! Super smooth and secure. Very high quality! With the doors closed, the blade was perfectly aligned for a shave. I still need to play with the settings some more, but I opted for a mid-range "3" to start. That rounded head where the doors are makes for a very easy to find and solid razor angle for the shave. This shave was close to being as simple as using a good modern cartridge razor and was a real joy to use. With one pass, I had a DFS that would easily pass for a normal weekday, but I could feel some stubble if I stroked my face the "correct" direction. With the second pass I was at the BBS level! With some buffing, I got a few minor weepers but, I can't really fault the razor for those, considering my experience with the razor and a brand new Feather blade and reworking "good" areas that weren't "perfect"!

The only thing close to a negative was shaving under my nose with this large headed razor. Keep in mind that I often use an AC razor there, so my standards are pretty high as well, cleaning all those tricky areas. In the end, my normal shave quality was achieved under my nose, but it took a little re-learning how to do it with a large headed razor which was my fault!

I think this razor is a real SLEEPER for people, especially for people new to wet shaving with a classic safety razor. I don't think I would give up my Muhle Rocca or EJ 3One6 for one but, off BST at <$100, I think it is a great option for a new person wanting something more than the classic entry level recommendations without breaking $100 at their door.

If you find one in the BST for ~$80 in great condition, don't let it get away! 🤣
I didn't see any existing threads that were not For Sale ads or settings related so, here I am!

I scored this one from the BST area: Rockwell T2

The razor arrived while I was out of town so, I skipped my Sunday shave to give it a good test with heavy tough whiskers late on Monday. I loaded a brand new Feather blade and set it to setting "3" and latered up using Aveeno canned shave cream on a basically dry face prior to the Aveeno application.

The mechanism to load the blade is a work of ART! Super smooth and secure. Very high quality! With the doors closed, the blade was perfectly aligned for a shave. I still need to play with the settings some more, but I opted for a mid-range "3" to start. That rounded head where the doors are makes for a very easy to find and solid razor angle for the shave. This shave was close to being as simple as using a good modern cartridge razor and was a real joy to use. With one pass, I had a DFS that would easily pass for a normal weekday, but I could feel some stubble if I stroked my face the "correct" direction. With the second pass I was at the BBS level! With some buffing, I got a few minor weepers but, I can't really fault the razor for those, considering my experience with the razor and a brand new Feather blade and reworking "good" areas that weren't "perfect"!

The only thing close to a negative was shaving under my nose with this large headed razor. Keep in mind that I often use an AC razor there, so my standards are pretty high as well, cleaning all those tricky areas. In the end, my normal shave quality was achieved under my nose, but it took a little re-learning how to do it with a large headed razor which was my fault!

I think this razor is a real SLEEPER for people, especially for people new to wet shaving with a classic safety razor. I don't think I would give up my Muhle Rocca or EJ 3One6 for one but, off BST at <$100, I think it is a great option for a new person wanting something more than the classic entry level recommendations without breaking $100 at their door.

If you find one in the BST for ~$80 in great condition, don't let it get away! 🤣
Great review with which I fully concur. I recently was given a Rockwell T2 late last year and have had a similar experience. Also favor setting #3 for an easy BBS shave. The T2 is an excellent razor.

See my full review and comparison to another razor with this similar classic Gillette style adjustment mechanism.

Nice write up - the T2 has been my daily driver for a year and a half now. It was hard to find a modern high quality adjustable and this one ticks all the boxes in my book....
Great find enjoy!🍻
Had the T2 been available when I returned to DE shaving five+ years ago it could have become my one and only. It's the only high quality adjustable that offers a classic Gillette style adjustment mechanism in current production. Surprised others have not used this adjustable design beyond the budget Baili/Razorock Adjust as this adjustment mechanism avoids all the blade balance issues often inherent with the center spring designs used in many other current production adjustables.
I have a T2 Stainless Steel, looks great and its a mild shaver, but the head is too big, which makes it a bit difficult to dealing with the upper lip
I have a T2 Stainless Steel, looks great and its a mild shaver, but the head is too big, which makes it a bit difficult to dealing with the upper lip

Try pulling it horizontally across your upper lip for the bulk of whisker carnage and then, shave "up" (about a 45 degree angle works well for me) towards your nostrils to get those last holdouts. Rolling my lip over my front teeth helps eliminate those lingering whiskers near my nostrils.
I have a T2 Stainless Steel, looks great and its a mild shaver, but the head is too big, which makes it a bit difficult to dealing with the upper lip
Some say the same thing for the 6S/C. I do not find it a major hinderance. What I do is a North/South pass not worrying too much about the upper most part Of my mustache. Then I re-lather the area and do a South/North pass riding the cap which easily cleans up the top. That’s My trick 😉
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