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Rich man's shaving

I understand Tyler Durden is working on a high-end shaving soap. I'm sure it will be pricey and decadent. Just don't ask for an ingredients list.
If you want to appreciate just plain old run of the mill decadence I highly recommend Truefitt & Hill creams - I love the rose. Also, Trumpers make fabulous hard soaps - sandalwood being my favorite. These brands are pricey, but with the quality of the products they are absolutely worth it. I'm hooked now - and I ain't rich. But, decadence during a shave is truly a beauuutiful thang!
Thirty K for a razor? Child's play.

Now, if you want to talk costliest products, I give you Williams Mug Soap and Lilac Vegetal.

Luxury items can be purchased with mounds of cash, but to use these products successfully you must surrender your very soul....
How about a custom Bill Ellis with engraving by Rick Eaton on platinum scales.
Plisson custom brush.

And Tabac of course ( in a golden bowl for luxuries sake :lol:)
A rich man's shave? Simple - a vintage tech, a derby razor, a VDH brush and soap. (plus the dish if you're really feeling fancy!)
My wife and I discuss once per week or so what we're going to do with our money once we win the lottery. I love shaving, but even with Bill Gates' money couldn't imagine a 30K razor. There's too many people with too many problems to throw money away like that. If I had it, I'd rather give away 30k to charity of some sort, than spend in on something like that.

I'd be curious to see how many they've sold for that price. Hell, for 30K I would think you could hire a master barber of some sort to come and shave you with a straight every day for years. That'd be money better spent.

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