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Recommend inexpensive shaving brush for newb.

Honestly any brush that you have on your list will be a fine brush. Right out of the box, I'm with my friend Celestino in recommending the Semogue 830 and the Frank Shave synthetic.

I have not tried the No. 7 that Rufust445 refers to, but it is widely acclaimed by folks who have purchased it.
Coalescing information...

Semogue x6
Omega x5

Whipped Dog SilverTip Badger x4
Frank Shaving Synthetic x3
B&B Essential Boar x3 (Made by Omega)
Vie-Long Horsehair x2
Tweezerman x2
BestShave #7 x1 Ultracheap

Start with Boar x4
Dont buy cheap Badger x2
Synthetic not getting much love
All you need is one of these high quality inexpensive brushes and it will last a long time and perform well

Semogue = Made in Portugal
Omega = Made in Italy
Vie Long = Made in Spain
Whipped Dog = Made in USA
BestShave = Made in Turkey

Semogue 830
Omega Pro 48
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My last order from Bestshave took 8 weeks to arrive, but others in US and Canada have reported 10-12 days. It will likely get held up at customs for a while, but I'm sure it would be a fine brush. My vote is for an Omega Boar, because thats what I started with and it is still an awesome brush, almost 3 years later.
Coalescing information...

Omega Boar x6
Semogue Boar x6
Whipped Dog SilverTip Badger x4
Frank Shaving Synthetic x3
B&B Essential Boar x3 (Made by Omega)
Vie-Long Horsehair x2
Tweezerman Badger x2
BestShave #7 x1 Ultracheap Slow Shipping

Start with Boar x4
Dont buy cheap Badger x2
Synthetic not getting much love
All you need is one of these high quality inexpensive brushes and it will last a long time and perform well

Semogue = Made in Portugal
Omega = Made in Italy
Vie Long = Made in Spain
Whipped Dog = Made in USA
BestShave = Made in Turkey

Semogue 830
Omega Pro 48
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I'm going to go ahead and take back my previous comments about Tweezerman. I was not aware how many brushes were available right around its price range for marginally more $. I did some more research and am blown away. In fact, I'm about to pull the trigger on an Omega 11047 badger/boar. Thanks thread!
Coalescing information...

Omega Boar x7
Semogue Boar x6
Whipped Dog Silvertip Badger x4
Vie-Long Horsehair x3
Frank Shaving Synthetic x3
B&B Essential Boar x3 (Made by Omega)

BestShave #7 x1 Ultracheap Slow Shipping
TweezerMan Badger x0.5

Start with Boar x4
Dont buy cheap Badger x2
Synthetic not getting much love
All you need is one of these high quality inexpensive brushes and it will last a long time and perform well

Semogue = Made in Portugal
Omega = Made in Italy
Vie Long = Made in Spain
Whipped Dog = Made in USA
BestShave = Made in Turkey

Semogue 830
Omega Pro 48
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Thanks for all the advice.

I think I might pick up a couple of brushes. A Semogue 830 and an Omega Pro 48....perhaps a Vie-Long Horsehair as well. That should give me some variety to play with, and I can always pass along stuff to my brother.

Im boycotting Turkey, so.

If I get the bug, then maybe a Whipped Dog Badger down the road.

Mike was kind enough to send me a AoS Starter Kit, which maybe comes with a stand and bowl. Now I just need to pick up a few soaps, which Ive been researching as well.

Vintage Williams
Vintage Old Spice
Vintage Colgate Cup
Arko (I realize this is from Turkey)

Ill also be picking up a Gillette Contour (Atra) to try out against the Sensor....and maybe a Wilkinson Sword DE Safety razor to try out DE.
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Am I correct in thinking the only difference between the Omega Pro 48 and the Pro 49 is the paint on the plastic handle?

Im thinking of getting the Red Pro 49, instead of the Chrome Pro 48.

Plus the Semogue 830.

MikeChu's VDH Kit came in, yesterday. Thank's a bunch Mike. I havent used it yet.
Bigger=better? Not really but too small a brush is tedious.

...for <$30 you can get a B&B Essential (fantastic brush price notwithstanding) AND an Omega Pro 49. With those 2 you can conquer the world!!

Oh, there is some subtle difference in the Pro 48 vs Pro 49 brushes. One (the 48) is a tad larger than the other...and it's not a painted handle on the Pro 49. That is the base color of the ABS on the Pro 49 it'll never peel, fade or chip. I have a white handle Pro 49; I call it the iBrush, yeah...right.
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The Semogue 1800 was my 1st brush, which I cannot recommend highly enough.

Face or bowl lathering soaps, creams or croaps, a steal at $15.95 shipped

Wow, those Turkish brushes are Ultra-Cheap!
According to someone who lives in Turkey and occasionally posts here, the Bestshave brushes are made in China and widely sold in Turkey. In the Nrs. 1, 6, and 7, a few token horse hairs are added so they can say it's horse hair, for locals who may have reservations about swine-related products.

I get the temptation to try a Vie-Longe horse hair brush at times, though not lately. If/when the time comes, I'll probably get it from shavetools.com
I think Ill get the Red Pro 49.

Still waffling on which Semogue to get. The 1305, 830, or something else.

Of the 3 Semogues I have owned, the 1305 is top of the heap, 1800 a close second. The 1305 gets more love around here that just about any other brush (Simpson Chubby may get a tad more recognition, but not by much). At $13.05 for a 1305 (clever, huh?) you won't go wrong.
I cannot stress enough how much a horse hair brush would be your friend. It's the best of both worlds. Nice backbone, soft tips. It's the very middle of the road. If you decide after a couple months that it's too stiff, you want badger. If you decide it's too soft, you want boar bristle. If it's not -the- brush for you, it'll without doubt, point you at the brush that is for you.

And at 18 bucks?

Certainly worth every cent. I love mine.
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