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Really shaving like my Grandfather

My grandfather was a sucker for electronic gadgets. He probably used whatever electric shaver that came out at the time that he could afford. Like most electronic devices and appliances in this country... the ones made in the 1960's and 70's would outlast anything made today. He probably had an electric shaver for all of the time that I knew him. Before that, he had to have used a DE of some kind..... probably a Gillette. He was always clean shaven.

My grandfather used a straight, which he stropped every day with a large leather strop. I believe he used Williams soap; I have no idea what kind of brush. Lilac Vegetal was his aftershave. He died in 1968 when I was twenty-one. Near the end of his life we used to go to the local tobacconist and smoke cigars together...a cherished memory.
My paternal grandfather passed when I was 13. I recall he had a DE. My maternal grandfather passed when I was 21 (33 years ago). I never knew what he shaved with... I recently enjoyed a month long visit/stay with my mom (who is now 88), she was intrigued with my haul of 10 old Gillette razors which I had bought from various antique stores during my visit. She told me that as a young girl she was fascinated with watching her father sharpen (strop) and shave with a mechanical razor. After describing it to me, we concluded that he shaved with an AutoStrop. She said he had actually used it for decades. I have since picked up quite a few AutoStrops and shave almost everyday now with several of the very early ones (though I use modified Ted Pella blades and don't bother stropping the AutoStrop blades). I remember my dad shaving with a Schick injector and using Lemon Lime Foamy. As a child, I was always fascinated with watching my father shave as well.
All this "shave like your grandpa" talk is funny to me because my grandpa shaved with a can of Foamy and Bic disposables.

Same here actually : /

Some might say that we are oldschool, we are visionaries says I.
Didn't know my moms family and Papa died when I was ten. He was from Italy and I'm thinking he probably used a straight. My Dad used some kind of Gillette adjustable and canned foam until he switched to carts in the 70's... He liked Shick razors. I'm thinking not many of our grandfathers shaved like us. They couldn't get the fine products we can through the internet. They were frugal men who shaved because they had to.If you had a scruffy look you were considered a bum... One razor. One blade. One soap. We on the other hand do this because we enjoy the experience of wet shaving. We use the knowledge that would have been lost had not we returned to the techniques that were pioneered by or grandfathers. That to me is the truth of it. We don't shave like the modern man either. We pursue the finer side of doing what to others is a mundane task made more so by the big shave companies big market/high profit tactics. They make the most money by giving people the means to give themselves the absolute lowest level shave a person can stand. How does it feel to be a rebel????....lol
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