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RazoRock SS Lupo 58 v/s RazoRock Game Changer 68. What is real difference?

You’ll get more efficiency and blade feel out of the Lupo 58 than the blade gap suggests. I haven’t tried the straight bar version of the Game Changer 68, but it seems to be regarded as a fairly mild razor, and I’d put the Lupo 58 in the mild to medium category. I have the Game Changer 68OC and 76P and I get very close to same level of efficiency with those two plates and the Lupo 58.
You call it Blade Feel, I call it something I do not like, and making pass with Razor. Then feeling almost nothing, except no beard, is preferred to me. More Blade Feel to me is more chances of me letting BLOOD.
You call it Blade Feel, I call it something I do not like, and making pass with Razor. Then feeling almost nothing, except no beard, is preferred to me. More Blade Feel to me is more chances of me letting BLOOD.
I head shave and have cut or nicked myself exactly zero times with the Lupo 58 and GC 76… Did catch myself once with the open comb on the GC 68OC however.
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