Bee's Knees smells 100% like honeysuckle...and that's a good thing. I definitely don't get any smell of honey, beeswax or honeycomb though. But you do really notice the bees wax in the is this stuff protective and the lather really holds its shape forever. In terms of performance, it reminds me of speik except the lather is thicker. This is a real winner - so far it's my favorite of the new bunch (including S. Maria).
I'm really digging Joe's new Artisan soaps, because it's clear he took the previous standard artisan brand soap base and tweeked it with special new essential oils and/or new ingredients for each one. It shows in the definite uptick in performance versus the old standard line imho (i.e., not including king louis, 888 or la famiglia).
Next up for me: Morrocan Secret!
I'm really digging Joe's new Artisan soaps, because it's clear he took the previous standard artisan brand soap base and tweeked it with special new essential oils and/or new ingredients for each one. It shows in the definite uptick in performance versus the old standard line imho (i.e., not including king louis, 888 or la famiglia).
Next up for me: Morrocan Secret!
Any chance you could describe the Nervous Wreck and Bee's Knees? I'm especially intrigued by the latter because I have no idea what bees wax smells like.
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