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Rain-X water repellent or anti-fog for shower mirror?

The OP is already risking dropping a razor in the shower, so is not averse to a calculated risk.
I see battery powered heated mirrors made for the shower.
Hey, I use an electric toothbrush in the shower.

I also use an electric toothbrush in the shower.

The only time that I have ever dropped a razor
was when I was changing the blade on a three piece
in the shower.
That gave me an insight to a post by a three piece user
asking about how well a one piece would survive being dropped,
which was, from my experience, a hypothetical question.
When i shaved in the shower I did it all by feel. Usually with my eyes closed too. And no, I never saw blood going down the drain when I opened them.

Oddly enough, I can't seem to use a real razor when I shave in the shower. It just feels off and I cant do it. I think its a weight thing. Muscle memory from using a disposable in that setting?
You can make any small mirror completely fogless for the duration of your shower with one spray of this stuff. Spray it on and leave it alone (dont wipe it off). It takes about 1 minute for it to become completely clear then you won't have any fog at all. One bottle should last you at least a year.
View attachment 1894121
Im bouta try that. Going to Walmart right now
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