+1 Gatorade before going to bed and in the morning if needed.
Unless you puke that up, too!
+1 Gatorade before going to bed and in the morning if needed.
Is this supposed to cure your hangover by making you throw up?
four fingers of the dog that bit you.
The World Famous Hamburger Garbage Plate by Nick Tahou's Rochester NY
16 oz of cold water... iced preferably
one lemon juiced
1 tablespoon of honey
1 Aspirin
mix and stir then drink. the glucose in the honey is brain food basically and flushes out the alcohol byproduct. lemon vitamin c which helps in the cleansing proscess as well. Apirin headache. half hr. later you'll feel reborn.
The beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad, so I had one more for dessertA couple of bottles of Gatorade before bed......
Back in my younger days... I would wake up hungover have some eggs and lots of bacon and a beer!.. Believe it or not the beer makes you feel a whole lot better, but YMMV!
Now you’re messing with a ... Oops, this is a family site.Drink Hair of the dog and play Hair of the Dog.