Clean Up Tips
1. If it has alot of grim and especially if its a TTO, get yourself a deep bowl dish fill it up with hot water enough to cover the razor, then pour lots of dish soap to make it Soapy Water, let it soak for 20 mins and just watch the gunk stuck on some razors especially the TTO ones float up and in the water, Repeat step with more Hot Soapy water for another 20 Mins, Then rinse clean.
2. Get yourself a metal or ceramic dish, "Not Plastic" as it stains with scrubbing Bubbles. Place razor inside diah and spray with scrubbing bubbles flip over razor and spray other side with more scrubbing bubbles, let sit for 2 Minutes get a soft bristle tooth brush "Not Hard Bristle" scrub it gently, Rinse then dry and watch it shine
3. Not Needed, but for additional luster shine, lightly buff with Mass Metal polish using a soft cotton towel or micro fiber towel "Preffered" then get a clean cotton Towel and buff lightly for a gleeming shine. Becareful with polising gold as some razors plated in gold are thinner then others and if you scrubb to hard you can remove some of the gold plating
Hope this helps
1. If it has alot of grim and especially if its a TTO, get yourself a deep bowl dish fill it up with hot water enough to cover the razor, then pour lots of dish soap to make it Soapy Water, let it soak for 20 mins and just watch the gunk stuck on some razors especially the TTO ones float up and in the water, Repeat step with more Hot Soapy water for another 20 Mins, Then rinse clean.
2. Get yourself a metal or ceramic dish, "Not Plastic" as it stains with scrubbing Bubbles. Place razor inside diah and spray with scrubbing bubbles flip over razor and spray other side with more scrubbing bubbles, let sit for 2 Minutes get a soft bristle tooth brush "Not Hard Bristle" scrub it gently, Rinse then dry and watch it shine
3. Not Needed, but for additional luster shine, lightly buff with Mass Metal polish using a soft cotton towel or micro fiber towel "Preffered" then get a clean cotton Towel and buff lightly for a gleeming shine. Becareful with polising gold as some razors plated in gold are thinner then others and if you scrubb to hard you can remove some of the gold plating
Hope this helps
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