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Is it swell time?
But, it's not "special" compared to other good pre-shaves
I’ve always understood that PAA also assists in building lather. That it makes lather “explode” more.

Proraso on the other hand is mainly to prepare the skin and beard for the shave. A preshave in the pure sense of the word. Not adding anything to the skin in terms of nutrients or anything. Just a short term softening of the beard.


Is it swell time?
For me Pre-Shave is nice but not necessary. I like it when I don't shower before a shave.
I can definitely tell the difference between shaves with and without preshave (soap) routine. I can compensate by extra face lathering, but I find a cleanse first prepares my hair better. I currently use Mastro Miche preshave soap which is coconut and glycerin based. Before that Proraso Green.
Wet your clean face and lightly rub the soap over the areas you are going to shave. Using your fingers rub the soap and agitate it into a proto-lather. 20 seconds of this is fine - you don't have to over do it. Then lather up with your normal soap/creme and shave.
This is basically the routine I follow to with the exception of leaving it in my skin. I wash my preshave soap off before I lather up.
I started using the preshave soap as a postshave because it makes it easier to fully rinse some shave soaps off my face.
I use my residual lather for that purpose. Usually leaves my face feel refreshed and soft.
We are all different with different skin.
That is absolutely true and it requires some experimentation to find your routine. For example showering before shaving is nice for the shower but is detrimental to my shave. Face shave that is. Head shave is fine. But my beard is non cooperative if I shave after the shower.


Born to häckla
I don't think the issue is "need", but "want". I want as close to a BBS shave as possible. I want no razor burn.

Pre-shave let's me take a few extra swipes with a given amount of lather without additional irritation. This is particularly the case with the Baume.be product. It keeps my face slick through two to three full passes without the need to re-apply. It's like a super-thin layer of WD-40 for the face. Even if some remains after the shave, it doesn't feel like Cremo, but nice. The other pre-shaves typically dissipate by the end of the first pass.

There is probably some magic ratio of ingredients that provides that kind of glide, but doesn't kill the lather. Cremo tried, but...no.
For me the most important is an irritation free shave and if that requires me to use a pre shave soap or something like that so be it with a particular soap. Now if it gives me a closer shave that is just an extra bonus. I think the big issue with Cremo is that they have too much oils in it. I think that makes it feel greasy feeling and will make it hard to rinse off. The more I have been experimenting with pre shave stuff, the more I conclude that it is the glycerin we need. I tried a pre shave oil, well I just used a bit of jojoba oil, and if it did anything for the shave it was not much. I am not even sure that residual superfat oil/fat contributes to the slickness of a shave soap much. I still need to try just glycerin as a pre shave, but I have a hunch that that is the missing factor. Glycerin will rinse off well and moisturize the face, not clog pores etc.


Born to häckla
I still maintain that proraso creams trump the soaps every time. Also as to the cella red to green question, while red may be slicker due to tallow, it doesn’t help if it burns your face due to the almond scent ingredient.
Yes indeed the scents are another topic. Scents is what seems to affect the most number of people and reaction to them. Personally I am not a huge fan of strongly scented shave soaps, but many are. I like mild to unscented soaps. Many times I just add a bit of something to mask the smell of tallow in the soap. Yep unscented tallow or lard soap can smell like beef or pork. Now when it comes to vegan based ones they do not have a strong smell in themselves and there is no problem leaving them unscented. Unless you make the mistake of ordering unrefined Shea Butter. Don't ask me how I know.


Born to häckla
I'm the wrong person to ask about the details... I do have sensitive skin and the charcoal doesn't affect it...
Charcoal will remove impurities in your skin and make it more healthy. At least that is what they say. I do not think the charcoal assists in the shave experience, but the glycerin soap does.
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