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Just made my last shaving related purchase for a good while. This is it! I took a chance on a Yintal Stainless Razor. Blade gap 0.86mm. Hopefully it is also similar to the RR GC .84P. We will see. For <$30 it was hard to resist, but the time of resistance has arrived........no more.
View attachment 1957217

That looks a lot like a RR Mamba clone to me. It doesn't match up to their gap specs, but the shape looks exactly the same.
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Is it swell time?
Glad to read you are recovering. Here’s to hoping it will be gone quicker! I wish you a very speedy recovery my friend.

And I wish you lots of fun with your new toys! Nice! Yintal has a reputation for being more effective razors so looking forward to your review.

Also the DScosmetics Z0 which, if I understand things correctly, is modelled after the R41, but in stainless and I do like my R41 as well.
Do bear in mind that it’s modelled after an earlier version of the R41 which is unlike the one you currently use. The Z0 should by comparison feel more aggressive.




Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Do bear in mind that it’s modelled after an earlier version of the R41 which is unlike the one you currently use. The Z0 should by comparison feel more aggressive.
I have been on again, off again about ordering one and I currently have a tab open because I was already on Ali... I just can't get over the fact that they say it's neutral exposure, that's a giant no for me(though I doubt it's true). The price is really good right now...


Is it swell time?
I have been on again, off again about ordering one and I currently have a tab open because I was already on Ali... I just can't get over the fact that they say it's neutral exposure, that's a giant no for me(though I doubt it's true). The price is really good right now...
There is no way that the Z0 has zero exposure if they modelled it after the R41. Could it be a case of bad translations? I have the DSC AX razor head and with a 1.55 blade gap and blade exposure of approximately 0.06mm - it is CNC-ed so that shouldn’t have too much tolerance in it.


Born to häckla
Morning Shave - 12/11/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: Swing SB
Blade: StarMaxx Superior Platinum (3)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
That was a very easy shave. Autopilot and the result was a shave that fully meets my expectations. Not a single issue, just a pleasant result.

This combination of razor and blade has so far been giving me great shaves. Efficient enough to be a hindrance and just smooth goings. I am using the RR Vintage Slim handle on my Swing since I don't want to use the original Bakelite one. It is a good fit for it. I have no doubt that this will continue shine for the rest of the shaving week.

My Yaqi brush and my DSCosmetics DS-S9 razor is out for delivery from Aliexpress. I am pretty impressed with the shipping speed from China. It has only been 9 days since I ordered it.

My back is still not to normal. Mornings are the worst before I get going. Once I get moving it does not seem to be too bad, but until then it is not fun. Oh well it is what it is. On top of the back issues I have had a fun morning. My truck has been leaking some oil and I have meant to call and setup an appointment to get it looked at. Well this morning I checked the oil level and it was low so I had to stop at the store and get some oil and fill in the parking lot and it was raining. Then on the drive to work it was super slow because kryptonite was falling from the sky. Needless to say I got to work almost an hour later than normal. Oh well what do you do.

Have blessed day everyone!
My back is still not to normal. Mornings are the worst before I get going. Once I get moving it does not seem to be too bad, but until then it is not fun. Oh well it is what it is.
True. I do go to my chiropractor when things get a bit out of whack. I had a stiff neck for a few weeks and he massaged it a few times but no longer did the quick whip holding my head to re-align the neck. So I bought a massager from A-Z which really helped
My right hip seems to get sore during the night so I use a pillow between my knees to help. Exercise and stretches are my main go-to with the occasional Aleve tossed in.



Born to häckla
True. I do go to my chiropractor when things get a bit out of whack. I had a stiff neck for a few weeks and he massaged it a few times but no longer did the quick whip holding my head to re-align the neck. So I bought a massager from A-Z which really helped
My right hip seems to get sore during the night so I use a pillow between my knees to help. Exercise and stretches are my main go-to with the occasional Aleve tossed in.

View attachment 1957648
My dear wife has been on me for a while to get regular chiropractor adjustments. She goes once per month and it has helped her a lot. I think that we tend to get misaligned quite frequently and by getting aligned regularly, it is good for our general health as well.
My back is still not to normal. Mornings are the worst before I get going. Once I get moving it does not seem to be too bad, but until then it is not fun.
I've seen it theorized, and I tend to agree, that back tweaks are a neuromuscular protective mechanism. That is to say, the body reacts to a minor injury or even an ill-advised movement in a way that prevents further, more serious injury. It does this through stiffening the surrounding muscles and nociceptive feedback. And this is probably centered in the peripheral nervous system, so you essentially have to convince it that your spine is actually safe before it will relax and let you move normally. This is why it might feel fine while lying in bed but as soon as you get up it seizes up again.

The only way I've found to get through it is repeatedly, gently moving through a safe but full range of motion, pushing the edge of discomfort. As you say "once I get moving..." It usually takes a few days though to fully resolve even when you're intentional about it. And while the underlying process is not cognitive, positive thinking does help, i.e. "I'm not injured, my body is trying to *keep* me from getting injured."

The kinds of signals that trigger this response are really interesting. Things like unstable grip, uneven footing, twisting movements. The guy who shared this idea with me is a PT with a powerlifting background who talks about being able to deadlift 550 but throwing his back out bringing groceries into the house.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
@Flanders ,

The R41 I got in January 2020 shaves its best at a neutral angle, so it could be possible even newer varieties have less exposure and simply trim whiskers with an energized sigil under the chrome plating.

If you’re already using “-Blackbirds -Colonial General -Tatara Nodachi -Henson Ti22 -Aylsworth Drakkant -GEM Micromatics -Schick injectors -Timeless Ti -Supply Pro,” I think it will only add more clutter and expense without much else.

I can – and will, darn it! – be wrong, but try if you need that itch scratched. (Says the guy who knows the Henson AL13+ and RazoRock Super Slant Lvl 3SB are his top doggo razors and still wants more…).

Chiropractors scare me. Some are absolute miracles the world is blessed to have and others not so much. Your physical therapist shouldn’t have a reputation for causing strokes. That’s what a sedentary lifestyle and overeating are for.


Born to häckla
I've seen it theorized, and I tend to agree, that back tweaks are a neuromuscular protective mechanism. That is to say, the body reacts to a minor injury or even an ill-advised movement in a way that prevents further, more serious injury. It does this through stiffening the surrounding muscles and nociceptive feedback. And this is probably centered in the peripheral nervous system, so you essentially have to convince it that your spine is actually safe before it will relax and let you move normally. This is why it might feel fine while lying in bed but as soon as you get up it seizes up again.

The only way I've found to get through it is repeatedly, gently moving through a safe but full range of motion, pushing the edge of discomfort. As you say "once I get moving..." It usually takes a few days though to fully resolve even when you're intentional about it. And while the underlying process is not cognitive, positive thinking does help, i.e. "I'm not injured, my body is trying to *keep* me from getting injured."

The kinds of signals that trigger this response are really interesting. Things like unstable grip, uneven footing, twisting movements. The guy who shared this idea with me is a PT with a powerlifting background who talks about being able to deadlift 550 but throwing his back out bringing groceries into the house.
I think this is very accurate. My dear wife is a retired RN and when I have tweaked out my back before she was adamant about me stretching and moving even if it was a bit uncomfortable. It does help to do that to recover quicker even though it might not be the most comfortable.


Born to häckla
Morning Shave - 12/12/24
Shave Number:
Passes: 3
Razor: Swing SB
Blade: StarMaxx Superior Platinum (4)
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Brut After Shave
Shave Comfort: 10/10 (Smooth)
Shave Quality: 9.5/10 (DFS++)
Shave Rating: 9.75/10
Identical shave to yesterday's. Very easy and comfortable. No irritation just shaving goodness.

Smooth sailings with this razor and blade. Very consistent shaves. It could easy be my forever setup. The Swing razor is steadily increasing its score in my statistical rankings. It is in 9th place right now and I can see it go up more very soon. However, there is stiff competition up there.

I received my DSCosmetics DS-S9 and my Yaqi brush from Aliexpress yesterday. I have not opened my package in true Boris fashion and I may hold off a bit more. It will be another week or more before I can start incorporate the new razor. Besides with Gruyere coming up I am not in the biggest of hurries. Also I have another razor coming so that will be exciting into the new year.

My hope with Gruyere will be that I can first of all clean up all my open tucks from the bonanza and then start working on the blade assortment that I had from before. I probably have 2-4 years worth of different blades to try before I get to my packs of blades. Needless to say I have plenty of blades to go around.

Soaps well soaps I have plenty. I want to finish my Proraso Red and then we will see where I will go. Newsflash it takes forever to use up a soap. Yep it sure does. I read here on B&B how people use up an artisan xyz in 45 shaves! Well that is not happening for me. I must use much less per shave. My first BSS #1 soap tub I made that probably had 150g of soap in it lasted me 240+ shaves! That is like 10 months or so. At this rate it will take me many years to use up my purchased soap and of course I have my own made soap on top of that. Lots to go around on the soap arena.

Brushes is probably the area where I have the least temptations. I probably have 5-6 brushes and am good with that. Sorry @Balin but to me they are just the tool to get the lather on my face and that is it. Do I appreciate brushes? Absolutely, but my relationship with them is more sane than other shaving gear.

Lower cost, good quality razors is probably my biggest weakness. I certainly do not need any more razors, but you know how it is is. Oh this razor looks great and it is stainless and it is only this much let me get it. Just one more. No harm in that, right? How many times have you told yourself that? Happens pretty frequently with razors (and pens for that matter) for me and just at a blink of an eye you own 20-25 razors (and many more fountain pens). It just happens.

Enough of my Thursday pontification.

You all have a wonderful and blessed day!
Lower cost, good quality razors is probably my biggest weakness. I certainly do not need any more razors, but you know how it is is. Oh this razor looks great and it is stainless and it is only this much let me get it. Just one more. No harm in that, right? How many times have you told yourself that? Happens pretty frequently with razors (and pens for that matter) for me and just at a blink of an eye you own 20-25 razors (and many more fountain pens). It just happens.

I feel seen...well, not regarding the pens. That is a rabbit hole I have managed to resist as I just don't use a pen enough - my work is entirely computer based. 10 years ago I used to take manual notes in meetings, but now I put them straight on to the computer as it is more efficient.

I do have a weakness for mechanical pencils though. When I had real bad RSI I found them easier to write with than ballpoints or rollerballs and they are cheap enough not feel guilty about the odd impulse buy if you find yourself in a really nice stationery store (a rarity these days). It also helps that the Pentel P207 is the classic, undisputed king of pencils and they are pretty cheap.
I've seen it theorized, and I tend to agree, that back tweaks are a neuromuscular protective mechanism. That is to say, the body reacts to a minor injury or even an ill-advised movement in a way that prevents further, more serious injury. It does this through stiffening the surrounding muscles and nociceptive feedback. And this is probably centered in the peripheral nervous system, so you essentially have to convince it that your spine is actually safe before it will relax and let you move normally. This is why it might feel fine while lying in bed but as soon as you get up it seizes up again.

The only way I've found to get through it is repeatedly, gently moving through a safe but full range of motion, pushing the edge of discomfort. As you say "once I get moving..." It usually takes a few days though to fully resolve even when you're intentional about it. And while the underlying process is not cognitive, positive thinking does help, i.e. "I'm not injured, my body is trying to *keep* me from getting injured."

The kinds of signals that trigger this response are really interesting. Things like unstable grip, uneven footing, twisting movements. The guy who shared this idea with me is a PT with a powerlifting background who talks about being able to deadlift 550 but throwing his back out bringing groceries into the house.
Matt, you’re showing your colours again. I’m hearing you. You’re all over this, which I think is the way.

There is good pain and not good pain. We need to learn, listen to our bodies. Moving well is a thing.

I’m diggin’ your stuff.


Born to häckla
I feel seen...well, not regarding the pens. That is a rabbit hole I have managed to resist as I just don't use a pen enough - my work is entirely computer based. 10 years ago I used to take manual notes in meetings, but now I put them straight on to the computer as it is more efficient.

I do have a weakness for mechanical pencils though. When I had real bad RSI I found them easier to write with than ballpoints or rollerballs and they are cheap enough not feel guilty about the odd impulse buy if you find yourself in a really nice stationery store (a rarity these days). It also helps that the Pentel P207 is the classic, undisputed king of pencils and they are pretty cheap.
This with fountain pens yes I am a heavy computer user as well and I use them everyday, all day. I have had a desire for a good while now that I wanted to explore the older ways of doing things. This is what brought on the fountain pen thing and the wet shaving thing for me. I guess I wanted to make my world a bit more analog so to speak and I have to say I am happier for it. I write most of my office notes in my engineering notebook and I keep a journal etc etc and I enjoy writing by hand a lot of things. I worked on my cursive writing and it is better than it has ever been.

Wet shaving follows a similar path for me. I had been electric shaver for decades and I just felt that I needed to explore the whole wet shaving thing and make things bit simpler. Of course simpler being a relative term here as we all know. I have come to enjoy some mundane tasks as taking notes and shaving much more through my endeavors.

On the pencil front the Pentel P207 in blue was my choice of pen through college! I loved that thing. I use pencil and mechanical pencils as well. I use 0.5mm, 2mm and regular pencils for my notes when I am thinking on paper so to speak. I like the 2mm clutch pencils the most I think. On my desk I have a Faber Castell TK9400 2mm and I also have a Pentel GraphGear 500 0.5mm pencils and of course along with that I have today my Tibaldi Ingrangible F with Rohrer & Klingner Salix ink and my Jinhao x159 F with Noodlers Black ink.


“I am a well overdue couch potato”
Brushes is probably the area where I have the least temptations. I probably have 5-6 brushes and am good with that. Sorry @Balin but to me they are just the tool to get the lather on my face and that is it. Do I appreciate brushes? Absolutely, but my relationship with them is more sane than other shaving gear.
My shaving brush acquisition disorder is abating, which is why I joined GRUYERE. My razor craze abated a while ago. I have traded for 2 razors this year, given 2 away and my wife brought me home 2. I have only purchased one razor this year which I was on the waitlist for from 2023 🙂.
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