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Quaznoid Quintessential

I put a lot of political stuff out there. I have a little following
In polite company, at least until we get to know each other and develope a degree of mutual respect, I consider politics (and religion, largely) to be "don't ask, don't tell." So I don't tend to put anything out there, nor do I go insearch of unqualified opinions.
Maybe it’s time for me to stop plowing into other threads with snarky off-topic comments and put all that stuff here. This will be the place to catch up on my caustic iconoclasm and drop off some of your own

Let’s start off with my Top 5 Wetshaving Falsehoods:

1. For best results, don’t apply pressure

2. Heavier razors shave better

3. The brush matters

4. Warm/hot water shaves better

5. Strive for billowing clouds of lather.

All false, yet consistently promoted by shaving “experts”.
All joking aside,

Are these 5 points you have raised false, or at least debatable?


I smell like a Christmas pudding
One of the frustrating things about practicing law: Client comes to me seeking advice. I give advice. Client ignores the advice.
I took your advice - I was not getting great shaves with my Schick J1 and the vintage blades shown below:


On your recommendation I bought some Chick blades and the difference is astonishing - a huge improvement 👍
So here I am in the 21st Century listening to the Steelers in an NFL playoff game ON THE RADIO!!!! The tv broadcast is on Prime which I can’t see.

Back in the primitive 20th Century this game would have been broadcast for FREE on CBS or NBC. Now I’m listening to it on the RADIO, like it’s 1935. Some progress.
My snowblower has an oil leak I can’t seem to fix. As luck would have it, we’ve had quite a snowy winter. If there were a really big snow I’d get out the blower and deal with the mess, but we’ve had a series of light to medium snows so I’ve been shoveling. It kinda’ sucks but what are you gonna’ do?
My people have a saying about winter weather (NJ and a few PAs people), if any of them got a new snow blower or have fixed one up snow just disappears. I can't remember the year/s NJ got something like feet of snow in a couple of days (maybe 2005-2010? sometime) my dad decided he was going to get a "fancy" blower, to me at most times in my working life, the one he got was like 2 weeks of pay for me. Also he got it after that big snow storm. It didn't snow enough for him to use that blower for 6 years.

We all thanked him for making that purchase it saved the lot of us a ton of snow clean up. I had to move into up in the sky part of PA and i asked my friends if one of them needed work done on a blower or needed one because i'm tired of seeing snow.

Whether global warming exists or the Earth is doing it's natural planet rotation thing, it needs to hurry up because cold/freezing weather and snow i am sick of or from and i hope the Right Coast of America becomes a warmer or hot climate soon...

Hopefully for me your blower fix effects me/us up here on the Right Coast.... hahaha...
My people have a saying about winter weather (NJ and a few PAs people), if any of them got a new snow blower or have fixed one up snow just disappears. I can't remember the year/s NJ got something like feet of snow in a couple of days (maybe 2005-2010? sometime) my dad decided he was going to get a "fancy" blower, to me at most times in my working life, the one he got was like 2 weeks of pay for me. Also he got it after that big snow storm. It didn't snow enough for him to use that blower for 6 years.

We all thanked him for making that purchase it saved the lot of us a ton of snow clean up. I had to move into up in the sky part of PA and i asked my friends if one of them needed work done on a blower or needed one because i'm tired of seeing snow.

Whether global warming exists or the Earth is doing it's natural planet rotation thing, it needs to hurry up because cold/freezing weather and snow i am sick of or from and i hope the Right Coast of America becomes a warmer or hot climate soon...

Hopefully for me your blower fix effects me/us up here on the Right Coast.... hahaha...
I’m gradually moving toward your camp. When I was a kid I loved snow. Then came the winter of ‘95-‘96. 20 inches on the ground, then 31 inches, then 10 inches more. Snowpocalypse. Collapsed roofs, unplowed streets, complete shutdown. I moved out of the city the following fall.

As I’ve gotten older the cold has gotten more uncomfortable. Winter seems longer and more depressing. I’d like to find a place to avoid it that isn’t too hot in the summer. Or, if the wife would retire, spend the winters in AZ or Florida sorta’ like a Canadian snowbird. Gotta do something as it bothers me more and more.
Born in PA (family goes back to the 1600's there), raised in OH but moved to the south in 1977. Will not go back. Long gray winters are not for me. There is that stretch in July and August where it gets too hot here. But now that we are retired, we just find someplace cooler to go for a few weeks and all is well.
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