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Proraso Blue

Great new formulas,I am not crazy about the sandalwood scent,but it is absolutely up to the Proraso gold standard.The blue has some slight hint of Swiss milk chocolate,that sits below the main scents, in it's aroma..Not bad at all,quite different than the others.If you like tradition,and full menthol,then the green is still the way to go.
I had some arrive in the mail yesterday. I will be using it today. I have been very happy with the Green and Red. I can't wait to try the Blue!
(Does anyone know if the White will come to tube form? If not, I may just break down and go with the jar.
Hello, gents :001_smile.
The equipment for the shave tomorrow - or the weekend =>
It will be a "Proraso day" ...:001_tt1:.


I had some arrive in the mail yesterday. I will be using it today. I have been very happy with the Green and Red. I can't wait to try the Blue!
(Does anyone know if the White will come to tube form? If not, I may just break down and go with the jar.

The Blue was everything I hoped it would be! It gave such an amazing shave, and had a definite cooling effect. The scent was something I have smelled before, but I did not detect anything of licorice. It was a very pleasant and not overpowering smell to me. I loved it. Definitely will be in my rotation of creams I use along with the Green and Red.
B&B member xillion was kind enough to send my a sample of this cream along with a couple Pen's cream samples. I love it. It lathers like....well.... Proraso! The scent is nice and clean and unique. Reminds me a bit of Hugo cologne. I ordered a tube from IB.... still waiting.

I used my blue again today. Does anybody smell a black pepper scent or is that the licorice? Also, no cooling sensation like the green formula.
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