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Proof that I haven't been a total slug

The razors, as "usual", are stunning, Bill.

Don't feel bad. I can't afford one of my own razors, either... :w00t:

What do you shave with? Your latest creation? Some "test" pattern for later use? A 1977 Atra? The teeth of a nearby rattlesnake? C'mon, own up! :biggrin1:
What do you shave with? Your latest creation? Some "test" pattern for later use? A 1977 Atra? The teeth of a nearby rattlesnake? C'mon, own up!

Well, let's dissect this a bit. I was actually serious about not using my own razors. I don't often test drive them either because I have always felt that the new owner should get a new razor. Not one that has been used. I get a "feel" for sharpness with my thumb and by lopping of a bit of arm hair. Most of the time, that suffices. Once in a while the new owner may have to give some laps on the leather to bring it up to full potential.

Why don't I use my own? Some times I'd like to, but let's say that the razor I keep could be sold for $600. If I keep it, by reason of deduction, I've just spent $600 on that razor. Why spend $600 on a razor when I can make my own. Catch 22, no? Besides that, I have too many guys wanting a razor from me to hold back on any. I keep trying to **** everyone off so they will leave me alone, but to no avail... they still want one. :001_rolle

I split my time between DE's and straights. I'm a bit partial to the Mekur type heads and have probably a dozen I go between. I only rotate 4 straights. From best to least favorite, but all downright dandy...

  • A 5/8's Craftsman
  • #136 Henckels and Hammesfahr with custom scales by Vlad
  • #72 6/8's Solingen Remes
  • A 6/8's C.V. Heljestrand
Don't tell anyone about the Craftsman, they are getting more and more expensive to pick up...
We'll keep it under our hats. :lol:

Of course the Craftsman razors were made by others, and I doubt that there was a dud in the whole Craftsman razor line. I once owned a Crown & Sword that was a dead ringer for a Craftsman branded razor down to the finest detail.
We'll keep it under our hats. :lol:

Of course the Craftsman razors were made by others, and I doubt that there was a dud in the whole Craftsman razor line. I once owned a Crown & Sword that was a dead ringer for a Craftsman branded razor down to the finest detail.
You are correct-a-mundo regarding the various factories that made them... Do you happen to know how many subcontractors there were? I don't know myself...

I really like the MOP examples... my favorites, anyway
You are correct-a-mundo regarding the various factories that made them... Do you happen to know how many subcontractors there were? I don't know myself...

I really like the MOP examples... my favorites, anyway

I don't. ERN for sure, and whom ever made the Sta-Sharp (maker went fugitive, it's somewhere in my brain, just can't bring it to the top right now).

If enough members read this we might compile a listing of subcontractors that made razors for Sears.
Both of those razors are a beautiful work of art. Your craftsmanship is simply outstanding. I can only hope to have one of your treasures as my own. Perhaps I'll be on the spot when someone may actually part with one. Thanks
for the pictures.
To give a bit of perspective... this razor


came from a piece of steel just like this

View attachment 106692

I thought I had used up all of this damascus that I had and what-a-ya-know... I found another one floating around in my steel drawer.

That translates to one more damascus razor coming up... if I don't screw it up.
Won't the carbon steel and Damascus wear away at different rates during honing?

Short answer is "no" for most damascus blades since they are heated and tempered at the same time... probably making them about the same hardness. As long as there is no flex in the stone, there's not much of a chance that one metal will be ground away at a greater/lesser rate.

Allow me to also quote myself from my very first post in this thread since it looks like you are only looking at the pictures... :001_smile

I'm not saying that all damascus does this, but I skirted by any possibility of the chance that it would by coming up with my own solution. I had Robert weld a 1/8 inch piece of 1084 carbon steel on the cutting edge side of the blade next to the pattern so that the entire cutting surfaces is consistent and stable. This allows me to use any of the patterned steel I want without having to worry if the blade will micro-chip somewhere down the road.

That being said, The entire edge of the razor is the same hardness and consistency, therefore, the answer is still "no".
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