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Potential new product - tell me what you think!

From a marketing perspective, will it be available for different numbers of razors? I rotate three razors, so a holder with any more than that becomes a waste of counter space for me unless I can also hold a couple of brushes knot down. As currently designed, the slots are too narrow for a brush, so that wouldn't work.

Is your plan to offer different sizes? I guess that would be practical if you can 3D print after receiving an order, than you don't have inventory holding costs.

How about an I-beam design, where one side is cut for razors and the other side is cut for holding brushes knot down?
I like the design but it being 3D printed it makes it look like something that should be sold at a Dollar Store. Maybe if you were thinking of it being injection molded and a smoother look it might be something I would consider but even then not at that price tag. It would have to be made of wood for a nicer look for me to spend that kind of money one something to hold razors.
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