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Polarizing fragrances

To me its LeMale. This stuff has a big following as a "lady-killer". IMO it falls into the same category as Polo: scents that I've been over-exposed to and developed a deep-seated disgust. Picture the college environment: you walk into an over-heated classroom, take your seat, then in walks "that guy".

You know the type. Without getting too racist, these guys are often: ***** (fill it in yourself, the number of * is irrelevant). Those of us who don't know them often assume that, rather than bathe, they simply drench themselves with cologne. They seat themselves, the class begins to gasp, wheeze, and gag. Eyes focus on the window which cannot be opened....

You get the idea!
[ Re: Old Spice] What I love is the "Mmmm, what's that?" reaction, followed by the answer, followed by the "Can't be, I hate that stuff" reaction...sometimes verbal, sometimes just the look! :001_rolle

I think this reaction is because Old Spice is so universally known, even outside our relatively small wet shaving community, and also outside the community of fragrance lovers like those who spend time on Basenotes. I bet you can't find someone who hasn't heard the name Old Spice, and most have an idea of what it smells like. To top it off, most think of it as a cheap aftershave from the '50's or '60's that our fathers or grandfathers wore. That's a lot of predisposed negative opinion to overcome. Too bad everyone can't be open-minded, fair and objective like us. Just don't get close to me with that disgusting LeMale! Eeeyuchh! :wink:

I think the whole subject of memory relating to smells is fascinating. Supposedly, these are some of the strongest subconscious connections. Its entirely possible that many of the intense feelings of dislike are triggered not so much by the scent itself, but from an associated memory (ie: the "guy" drenched with Polo).
I think the whole subject of memory relating to smells is fascinating. Supposedly, these are some of the strongest subconscious connections. Its entirely possible that many of the intense feelings of dislike are triggered not so much by the scent itself, but from an associated memory (ie: the "guy" drenched with Polo).

+1 Absolutely agree. In many of the posts I've seen here at B&B and elsewhere (such as Basenotes), an overwhelming number of the negative reviews mention a bad childhood memory, dumped girlfriend, etc., etc. I think I read somewhere that the sense of smell is the sense most attached to memory, and I believe it.
I have worn and liked (because the wife did)
Polo Green
and now Jake By Hollister
I like them all (because she does) LOL
Bond No. 9 in its many forms seems polarizing based upon the thread I posted. I think it seems pretty much like Creed myself, others say very artificial. It is expensive and the bottles arguably garish, I am not sure that makes the scent unappealing, which I think is the subject of this thread.

What is the scent that comes in the little squat black round bottle that supposedly smells like rubber? I have not smelled that one myself, but it seems like it should be controversial, like K 10 is!
Caron's scents of all types seem to be controversial. I just today got some Caron Pour Le Homme. I can see why they are controversial. This one is different but I like it a lot so far.

Also just got some of the Family Dollar store version of Old Spice--Ivy Club. I agree with ClubmanRob that this stuff is really good. For $1.30 or so one could not go too wrong, but anyone that likes Old Spice, particularly the older versions, ought to give this one a try. Not sure it is controversial though!
I'm glad to see Tabac listed in several of the above postings. I ordered a sample of the Tabac AS and expected big things based on what I've read on B&B . . . When I got it I hated it. To me, the stuff smelled like old Gym socks from my locker, combined with stale tobacco. It was a musty, old scent that just didn't appeal to me at all. I assume the cologne scent is very close to the AS, and I would probably feel the same way about the cologne.

I had a gf that went wild when I wore it. I had to break up with her because she was crazy and my daughter swears I smell like a wet dog when I wear it.
What is the scent that comes in the little squat black round bottle that supposedly smells like rubber? I have not smelled that one myself, but it seems like it should be controversial, like K 10 is!

Bvlgari Black? I suppose it is a little weird, I remember thinking how strange it was when it first came out. Now, I actually just bought a bottle. A little polarizing, but it's no Kouros, A*Men, etc
This topic seems pretty pointless and gets beat to death on here. For every cologne or AS, there will be some guys/women who love it or at least like it, and some who hate it or are indifferent.

Bottom line----if YOU like it (and your SO, if applicable) and it works, use it guilt-free regardless of what you read. There will probably not be any scent available in an AS or cologne that EVERYONE will love. (Except Speick!)
This topic seems pretty pointless and gets beat to death on here. For every cologne or AS, there will be some guys/women who love it or at least like it, and some who hate it or are indifferent.

Bottom line----if YOU like it (and your SO, if applicable) and it works, use it guilt-free regardless of what you read. There will probably not be any scent available in an AS or cologne that EVERYONE will love. (Except Speick!)

Hmm. My impression is that this topic does not come up directly very often, at least as a survey of scents rather than scent by scent. And I do not think the intent of the thread is to explore scents that some my like and many may be indifferent about. There are lots of those.

Scents that people either love or hate, and gnerally do not feel indifferent or meh about, seem to be me to be pretty rare.

Whether one takes into account expense is another issue, I suppose. I think some Creeds are polarizing in the since that folks think a Creed scent is innocous enough if it were being sold at Family Dollar for $1.60, but shocks the conscience at $220 a bottle. But I have seen some pretty negative comments about, say, Himalaya that seemed independent of price. Luca Turin of all people gives Creed Silver Mountain Water 1 star out of 5, and gives Creed Himalaya and Virgin Mountain Water 2 stars, with some pretty negative narrative comments. The latter two are influenced by the price, but the SMW rating does not appear to be. SMW is one of my favorites. Frankly I cannot see it as polarizing.
Agree with Hammam. I've been on both (extreme) sides of the fence with this one. At first, I thought it was a bad joke. Now it's my favorite.
I'm curious what you guys think of as the real love-'em-or'hate-'m colognes out there. The one's where there isn't much middle ground. Of the top of my head, based on the posts in this forum and on the cologne reviews, I woul name the following:

Knize Ten
Blenheim Bouquet
GFT Spanish Leather

Any others? Do any of these not belong on the list? What do you think?

I agree that Knize Ten Blenheim Bouquet tend to be polarizing. I love both
I agree that Knize Ten Blenheim Bouquet tend to be polarizing. I love both

I went back to using K 10 for the past couple of days. I really love that stuff. So powerful. So evolving. So unusual. SUch tenacitiy. It is like having someone hang around with you wherever you go all day long. A very independent someone, but still kind of a companion!

Love BB, too. Need to get back to wearing that more oftern.
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