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Plan on getting an EJ De89lbl!

If your wallet can stand it, spending a bit more for a good brush and shave cream really pays off. This is the dilemma of the newbie in any situation - you're not sure if you'll like something, so you play it safe and buy cheap (razor, golf clubs, cigars, etc.), but they don't give you a really enjoyable experience, so you throw them away and decide that wet shaving, golf, cigars or whatever aren't for you. You made an excellent choice with the Jagger razor - it's a high quality product, but the razor is only part of the equation. Prep is extremely important, so spoil yourself a little. If you decide that you just don't enjoy wet shaving (I bet you do!), you can recoup most of your investment on the buy/sell/trade on this forum - or on eBay.
I love my EJ DE89. It just straight up gives me amazing shaves day after day.

When i started, I just spent 10$ on the Van Der Hagen combo set (brush, bowl, soap). Its a very inexpensive kit, and it comes with everything you need except the razor/blades. I found the boar brush to be pretty nice and i have no complaints about the soap or the bowl that it came with. you can also get it at Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens and some local grocery stores.
I bought the EJ DE89BL when I started de shaving a few months back. After heeding the advise of the forum members, I also stepped up as Vocalistbob's Post #21 suggests and after much research, bought the best brush and cream that I could afford, along with alum, Thayers Witch Hazel and a sample pack of blades.
I have since acquired several Super Speeds, two Fat Boys and a Slim. However, I keep going back to the EJ. Its a brilliant bit of kit. I found that Astra SPs and Personna Med Preps work best in my EJ. I gave away my Derby samples. YMMV. Remember, no pressure. Best of luck and welcome.
I went to Target yesterday and they had a stock of Van Der Hagen stuff, cheaper than at Amazon, incl badge brushes (at $9) etc.
In fact a lot of supermarkets now stock them as well and you can get a brush/bowl/soap for about 10 bucks.
Even though their boar brush sheds it is still better than the tweezerman brush. The one i got was a disgrace (smelled bad, very prickly bristles) and a waste of money. Plunk 30 bucks and get a brush that you would use for years instead of that smelly little thing.
Any way you look at it, Gillette robs your with their Mach cartridges at much more than the initial DE investment, so go nuts.

I have the Van Der Hagen Boar brush. It's been durable (had it for about 2-3 months now, only lost a few hairs) but it can barely produce a lather when I use Proraso. I don't know if my water to soap ratio is good, but I can barely get any foam at all. The foam I get is usually just a very thin layer. I can still see my skin at times. Granted, the stuff still works, but I know I can make better use of it if I had a better brush. As of now, I plan on following through with my original plan and getting the Jagger and the Kingsley brush. I need something less coarse and scratchy than the boar brush because my face is very easily irritated. I have just finished a course of Accutane so my face is still pretty sensitive since I lost the first few layers of my facial skin, hence the reason why I want a less irritating shave.
????? Not sure what the "LBL" stands for.....but I have the DE89L model. One of the best razors in my stable and I LOVE its longer handle. If its anything like mine...you'll love it!
Have a look for Frank Shaving brushes on ebay and go for a 'finest' badger. Try and get as short a 'loft' as possible for stronger backbone (loft = height of bristles and backbone = firm) Takes about 2 -3 weeks to arrive but good value.

EJ89 a fine razor - may well get one too soon...
I think that there might actually be an lbl and a bl version. Amazon has both listed as different products..

The lbl (one I'm getting) http://www.amazon.com/Edwin-Jagger-De89lbl-Double-Safety/dp/B002RBF1PO/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

The bl http://www.amazon.com/Edwin-Jagger-De89bl-Double-Safety/dp/B003LW4L2W/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t

So there MUST be some sort of difference

One is the older smooth Chrome version and the other the one with a lined handle. The head is exactly the same one (also used on the Muhle R89).

And just to add, you can also get the Barley or Octagonal Handle too :biggrin1: ... decisions, decisions...
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I found that if I soak that brush in very hot water for 10 minutes (before i shower) the bristles become very soft. I was able to work up very thick lather with the VDH soap, and it was gentler on my face, by far, than the tweezerman.
But if your skin is so sensitive, why not try a synthetic brush ?
The H.I.S brush is as soft as can be...

I have the Van Der Hagen Boar brush. It's been durable (had it for about 2-3 months now, only lost a few hairs) but it can barely produce a lather when I use Proraso. I don't know if my water to soap ratio is good, but I can barely get any foam at all. The foam I get is usually just a very thin layer. I can still see my skin at times. Granted, the stuff still works, but I know I can make better use of it if I had a better brush. As of now, I plan on following through with my original plan and getting the Jagger and the Kingsley brush. I need something less coarse and scratchy than the boar brush because my face is very easily irritated. I have just finished a course of Accutane so my face is still pretty sensitive since I lost the first few layers of my facial skin, hence the reason why I want a less irritating shave.
I think that there might actually be an lbl and a bl version. Amazon has both listed as different products..

The lbl (one I'm getting) http://www.amazon.com/Edwin-Jagger-De89lbl-Double-Safety/dp/B002RBF1PO/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

The bl http://www.amazon.com/Edwin-Jagger-De89bl-Double-Safety/dp/B003LW4L2W/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t

So there MUST be some sort of difference

I highly recommend stepping it a few bucks and getting the Barley version. You'll enjoy the grip more with wet hands, and it looks more finished imho.
The 89 lbl is what started me down this road to ruin. I blame amazon with their $23 deal. Several hundred later I'm still loving it. Enjoy the ride.
I really don't get wet hands when I shave. Besides, I have larger than usual hands and I have a pretty strong grip. I'm not too worried about dropping it...But if you guys really recommend it, then I'll order it off WCS. But I think I am sticking with my boar brush for now. I think I just have my water-to-cream ratio off...
So I have decided to splurge and get the Barley edition. Is there any difference in the head than the bl?
I believe the heads to be the exact same...I could be wrong. I only own the Barley. If you are going to order it from WCS and you want a quick answer, just call them directly they have great customer service.
Yeah, the head's look the same. And what do you know! I can afford to get a sample pack with the razor!
Yeah, the head's look the same. And what do you know! I can afford to get a sample pack with the razor!

Well, with that order your not far from the $80 which will give you free shipping. So...spend $8 on shipping or $20 more on product and get free shipping?!?! F@&$! Welcome to B&B.
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