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Pit Bull Advice Wanted:

Here is a quick pic! Help pick his name!

From his color, Java.
Unprovoked attacks by any breed are unacceptable to me. We never allow our dogs to be unattended even our lap dog (Lapso). We are very good with having our dogs socialized with other dogs and people, especially children... Now for a name! :smile: I suppose if we use the one you pick I could send you something nice. There are no guarantees here because our family is hard at work at this endevor. If however we use one of your suggestions I promise to send you something. I will have our family members read this thread and and see if any of your picks makes the makes the cut. Just so you know we have had 2 male dogs in the past that are no longer with us Max and Buddy so those names are retired. Thanks for all your input.
Some names:

Bogart or Bogie
Brandy or Whisk(e)y if you are a fan of those
Midnight (Is he black in that picture?)
Virgil (as in The Aeneid or Wyatt Earp's older brother)
Zeus or Apollo if you are a big Magnum PI fan
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