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Pipe Of The Day (POTD)

Peterson Writers Collection Yeats smooth ebony poker/bent billiard loaded with Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance

'S funny . . . I came home thinking I'd load up a pipe after dinner and have a leisurely smoke. But as I ate, I realized I didn't really want a pipe tonight. So I've packed the slender Orlik Large Chimney estate pipe with Peterson MM 965 for the morning and let it go at that. Somehow I really do prefer smoking in the morning with my coffee. Perhaps when the weather cools, some month, and darkness falls early, it will seem more appropriate to light up in the evening after work.
Strange to relate, when I got up just now and whiffed the MM 965 in the prepared pipe, I decided, "No. Not this early. I'm in the mood for a burley." A mix of Match Prince Albert and C & D Pegasus went into the Peterson 440 straight billiard w/ P-Lip instead, and it's a good choice with my coffee.

The MM 965 will keep. After more than three years back with the pipe, I've learned it's okay to do that. It's not a legal requirement to smoke the pipe you already prepared if you want something else!
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KellyG, I really like that Northern Briar panel. The color of the stem is a great contrast to the stummel's finish.

In my case, today's smoke is a couple of pipes that . . . well, not every smoke works out. Last night before dinner I fired up the Orlik Large Chimney loaded with Peterson MM 965. Feeling the blend starting to get to me, I kept that smoke to ten minutes, figuring to finish it this a.m. When I did, the stuff only gave me about ten again and was tasting bitter.

I switched to some Edward G. Robinson in the Linkman's Dr. Grabow bent apple, and again it's refusing to stay lit for long. If I puff too much, it runs hot. I guess this is just one of those sessions where you have to say, "Tomorrow is another day," and let it go.
Up this evening: WC Simply Red Cake w/Perique in the Tinsky Christmas '23 Golden Blast; Plum Pudding in a Sav 320 KS; Haunted Bookshop in a Briar Wirks Bull Moose. Smoky Black on the side.
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