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PIF-Hot Sauces-Razors-Soaps-PIF


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Just finished unpacking it all! I will do a better update tomorrow morning as I have to run out the door tonight. Everything arrived in great shape and it's more than I was looking forward to! Aaron, you are a part of why so many of us like B&B as much as we do! Thank you.

Lots of pictures and reviews to come!
Great news.
Sorry for the lack of pictures last night guys, I had to run out almost as soon as I got home from work. Everything that Aaron sent me was in wonderful condition, all bottles and razors were wrapped in bubble wrap or protective foam and the entire box was filled with packing peanuts, nothing was damaged at all!

Now for the pictures. I have pictures of the date codes if anyone is interested but I'm not including them unless someone is really wanting them.

The whole lot!
$photo 1.JPG$photo 2.JPG

Shave related gear
$photo 3.JPG

Food stuff:
$photo 4.JPG

Hot sauces!
$photo 5.JPG
And we couldn't forget the razors!
(L-R) Travel Tech (L2), Superspeed Black Handle (T2), and Superspeed Flare Tip (K1)
$photo 3.JPG

Flare, Travel, Black
$photo 4.JPG

Flare, Travel, Black
$photo 5.JPG
The wife was most excited about the salt, BBQ sauce and rub, and some of the hot sauces. Me, well I was excited about all of it!

This morning I used the RazoRock P160 and the How to Grow a Mustache Vetiver aftershave balm. Loved the scent of the RazoRock P160 as did the LOTH, I can still smell it as I type this! I'm eagerly looking forward to my next few shaves to try out the other soaps! The balm was very nice, a bit thicker than I'm used to with the Nivea, but very pleasing!

I brought the Marie Sharp's with me today for use on my chicken at lunch, will add my thoughts this afternoon.

Once again, Aaron I can not thank you enough!

What's your favorite way to use the red chili powder?
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"A Boy Named Sue"

Good to see all arrived intact and in your care. I'm glad your wife thought some of the items could be of use. I guess my biggest curiosity would be the taste of the sriracha.

My favorite way to use the red chili powder is a very loaded question. The New Mexico chili is the best in the world in powdered form or as a dried pod. It's not spicy but it does have a pepper flavor...bitter/sweet.

-crispy beef taco's
-tortilla soup
-enchilada sauce
the list goes on and on..............

P.S. The Gillette flair tip is my birth year razor.


"A Boy Named Sue"
The wife was most excited about the salt, BBQ sauce and rub, and some of the hot sauces. Me, well I was excited about all of it!

This morning I used the RazoRock P160 and the How to Grow a Mustache Vetiver aftershave balm. Loved the scent of the RazoRock P160 as did the LOTH, I can still smell it as I type this! I'm eagerly looking forward to my next few shaves to try out the other soaps! The balm was very nice, a bit thicker than I'm used to with the Nivea, but very pleasing!

I brought the Marie Sharp's with me today for use on my chicken at lunch, will add my thoughts this afternoon.

Once again, Aaron I can not thank you enough!

What's your favorite way to use the red chili powder?

So, how was the Marie Sharps?
Time for some long awaited REVIEWS!!


Has a wonderful smell that lasted all day, it lathers really well and provides a very nice shave.

Son of Zeus
Oh wow that lather, I had WAY more than I needed from a normal load. I pulled off a three pass shave and still had a ton left!

AS Balm
A very nice balm, it's very soothing but it's not greasy at all! I really like this one.


The wife and I love honey, this one has a wonderful earthy flavor that we don't get around here.

Pink Salt
I have only used this on steaks once so far, it was a very nice change from kosher which is usually my go to. Kinda hard to describe the difference.

I haven't tried it on BBQ yet, but just trying it seemed very salt forward which as we all know can be a good and bad thing depending on how it's used. I won't be able to try it on some BBQ for quite a bit as I have a lot of weekends booked up ahead of me.

Salt Lick Sauce
Opened it and was very surprised that it was a mustard based sauce. Has a wonderful flavor that we are looking forward to using on chicken.

Ninja Squirrel
Oh my gosh, this is my new go to everything sauce! It's got a mild kick with a nice sweet flavor that goes well on everything I have put it on so far. Goes great with eggs!

Marie Sharps
This one is a bit odd when trying it by itself coming from the carrot base, which provides it's sweetness. Once you put it on anything the carrot flavor disappears. It's a very nice well balanced sauce.

A very nice mustard sauce, I haven't tried it on anything yet.

El Yucateca
Haven't tried this on anything yet, but just out of the bottle it has a great flavor, but then kicks ya in the butt. It's got some heat to it haha.

All in all, I have loved everything that I have tried so far, Aaron thank you so much for everything! As I keep trying things, I will keep updating this with reviews.


"A Boy Named Sue"
Yeah, that El Yucateca will sneak up on you then kick your knees out from under you....I love it. Throw that rub on a steak or some chicken legs.
Aaron, I will try the rub on my next steak, I could see it being awesome on beef!

I tried Yetti Snot this morning, holy mother of menthol batman! So much menthol that it almost burns, and I like it! It was a nice pick me up this morning when I woke up exhausted. I think that's going to be my go to those mornings when coffee needs a friend!


"A Boy Named Sue"
The snot will make you produce snot, if you know what I mean. It makes you squint through the whole shave. It's a hot commodity. It's always out of stock.
Aaron, I will try the rub on my next steak, I could see it being awesome on beef!

Yesterday the wife and I got back from a 5 day trip to Boston and Maine. After eating our way through three states, we decided to have a bit of a lighter meal last night. I thawed out an 1.25" thick ribeye and coated it with a bit of EVOO, then applied a generous portion of The Squeal Hog Rub to either side. This went on the grill using Royal Oak Lump, with a continuous flip method. Got up to 123F IT, took off and let it rest for five mins prior to slicing and placing on Caesar salads. The steak was cooked to perfection (I'm a huge fan of continuous flip now) and the flavor was amazing!

The rub had a bit of sweetness to it, but was still complex enough to add some depth to the steak. I will be using this one again! Aaron, thanks again for a great addition!

Sorry guys, no pics, it was 8:45pm when we finally sat down to eat!
Yesterday the wife and I got back from a 5 day trip to Boston and Maine. After eating our way through three states, we decided to have a bit of a lighter meal last night. I thawed out an 1.25" thick ribeye and coated it with a bit of EVOO, then applied a generous portion of The Squeal Hog Rub to either side. This went on the grill using Royal Oak Lump, with a continuous flip method. Got up to 123F IT, took off and let it rest for five mins prior to slicing and placing on Caesar salads. The steak was cooked to perfection (I'm a huge fan of continuous flip now) and the flavor was amazing!

The rub had a bit of sweetness to it, but was still complex enough to add some depth to the steak. I will be using this one again! Aaron, thanks again for a great addition!

Sorry guys, no pics, it was 8:45pm when we finally sat down to eat!
sounds great !
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