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PIF - Help Me Think of Contest Ideas - Win a B&B Essential Boar from the Eighth Batch

Post your most entertaining shaving misadventure. Maybe even general grooming, but let's keep it clean we're ALL about grooming, here :D

Vote up favorite entries in a combined submission and voting thread. If we'd rather not label stories "best" or "worst", then we could simply assign each a number, in order submitted, perhaps, and have random.org do the draw for us.

Guess the decimal value of the brushes color in hexadecimal. (It will be a number A,B,C with each variable being a number between 0 and 255... so 255255255 or 255199171 are valid, 000000256 is not)

AKA: Black = 000000 = 0
Green = 00FF00 = 255000
Aquamarine = 7FFFD4 = 127255212

I'm assuming there's a paint-like program out there that can grab a color and output the hex value of said color. Then you'd just take the picture used on WCS for the brush, click at a random well-lit point on the brush handle with the color selector and voila.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
How about "Welcome New Contributors"...set-up along the same lines as your "Welcome New Members" PIF?

"Happiness doesn't come from what we [possess]...but from what we [PIF]". Benjamin S. Carson, Sr
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Depending on the time of year, you could tie it in with a sporting event. Example: Super Bowl- Pick a winner and total pts. You could do it with which ever you prefer or which ever is happening at the time you do the PIF. A cool one would be the Kentucky Derby. Pick your favorite horse to win and by how many lengths. Closest one wins.
Depending on the time of year, you could tie it in with a sporting event. Example: Super Bowl- Pick a winner and total pts. You could do it with which ever you prefer or which ever is happening at the time you do the PIF. A cool one would be the Kentucky Derby. Pick your favorite horse to win and by how many lengths. Closest one wins.

Good idea but it's already been mentioned and it won.

You could do a "Guess the Champion" type theme for the World Series, Super Bowl, NCAA Champion both Football and Basketball, World Cup, NBA Finals, NHL Playoffs etc. Some of them may even coincide with the release of new batches. IF multiple people pick the same team, you can then narrow it by having anyone with the final two teams guess the final score.
Freeze the last .5" of a razor handle in a block of ice. Put the block of ice in a wide, shallow pan on the counter. Have everybody guess day and time of when the head of the razor hits the pan. Closest to the time wins. (akin to the 'car through the ice on a lake' contest that some places do every winter) or even do it outside in the early spring to stretch it out to what day.
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How about when you got your first cut or nick. (not the year or date) but that you remember, like ho I remember when weather it was from checking out your new razor or honing it or stroping it, or shaving or restoring a razor. And where it was (​i.e. finger, chin,dome, chest? ect) Then pick random preferably someone new, to or kind of new who can really use a good brush.
Entrants should promise to PIF one of their brushes or razors or bowls (ie. a bit of hardware) if they win. Their entry should include a picture of their potential PIF. Choose winner at random. That will make for two winners.
Guess what I listened to during my shave.

Or have a bracket of best or worst songs to shave to. Perhaps have the "winner" of the PIF take a video of them shaving to ummm "girls just wana have fun" or whatever the bracket wants.
Post a picture of a blade bank full of blades. Ideally, the blade bank is clear. Have contestants guess how many blades are in the bank. The closest without going over is the winner.
How about a game where we would play a type of "20 questions" kind of game, slightly modified. You pick an item, technique, or some such thing, (possibly shaving related) and everyone who wants to play gets 1 question per day, with one guess as to what you picked. Whomever finally gets what you were thinking of correct would win. I feel this would make an interesting, interactive contest.
Perhaps related to the 2014 gentlemanly restraint? Guess on the first item that is bought or the date and time the first member has to relinquish his year long quest due to purchases?
How about having people guess the what the value of the Dow Jones will close at on the day the batch is completed? Or switch it with the value of a well known stock value (I.e. Google or Amazon) the day the brush rub is complete?
Guess how many brushes of each type that you own: badger, boar, horsehair, synthetic, combo.
Winner chosen by you.
A caption contest. Post a picture or an image/scene. The entrant must create a caption to go along with the image or scene. Best caption wins the PIF.
As soon as I tried thinking of a funny/interesting contest idea, my mind immediately went to Seinfeld and one of my all time favorite bits. I'm talking about their "Master of Your Domain" series of episodes, where they all compete to see who can (how do you say) "hold off" for as long as they could... I laughed so hard at this bit, it's a classic!
Taking this in a shaving direction, and narrowing it even further to shaving brushes... why don't we try a Master of Our Domain competition where we have contestants "hold off" from doing their routine lathering technique. ie: Bowl/Scuttle Latherers would have to commit to hold off, in favour of let's say hand lathering. While Face/Hand Latherers would have to only use a bowl. You could set a timeline, and those that make it to the end of the timeline get an entry into the draw which you then draw at random! This would force people to step outside their comfort zone a little bit by trying something new and they might just learn to appreciate their brush and shave in a whole new way!
Of course this relies on the Honour System, but this site is full of classy folks so I'm sure it would work ; )
You could have an internet scavenger hunt. Have the people go out to various web sites looking for details and when all is said and done the details are assembled to answer a question, probably related to B&B, Shaving, etc. Maybe utilizing Wiki's or manufacturers websites to gather the information or words, which then form a question that the winner must answer to get the prize. Tie breaker would be time of submission and all answers must be sent via PM and not posted.
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