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PIF a Week #11- Ready? Set? Your Bevel-King 1k. Please name my Pelican.

I'm In. I shave with straights on occasion, but do not hone. If I knew how to hone, I'd probably use the straights more, but I lean more towards shavettes now.

Nigera - A combination of the names Nigel and Gerald (The two pelicans on Finding Nemo).
I will purchase the contributor badge when I get home from work. I have been researching wet stones everyday lately trying to decide and this looks perfect. Plus I would love to try Martin de Candre. I'll post following the rules later but am very excited I just wanted to add this now.
I will purchase the contributor badge when I get home from work. I have been researching wet stones everyday lately trying to decide and this looks perfect. Plus I would love to try Martin de Candre. I'll post following the rules later but am very excited I just wanted to add this now.

great job contributing. PM me your address and I'll get some MdC off to you right away.
Well hell! I'm in! And I'm also in for getting myself a contributor badge! Over the past month or so I have learned so much from you gents on this thread that I would love to be a contributer. Thanks for the inspiration! Also, after a month of shaving with a DE, I am gear to try out other methods of shaving.... To include the leap (or step back) to straight razor shaving... Somehow, through the forum and my limited experience, shaving has become my favorite event of the day.... Certainly time to contribute!
Well hell! I'm in! And I'm also in for getting myself a contributor badge! Over the past month or so I have learned so much from you gents on this thread that I would love to be a contributer. Thanks for the inspiration! Also, after a month of shaving with a DE, I am gear to try out other methods of shaving.... To include the leap (or step back) to straight razor shaving... Somehow, through the forum and my limited experience, shaving has become my favorite event of the day.... Certainly time to contribute!

Ahh, and his name? Sam. For some reason it gives me the feeling of an easy nautical name for an easy nautical fellow.

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I can tell you that while Sam is a GREAT name, indeed it is one of the finest, it is also my middle name and I am no Narcissus to go naming Pelicans after myself. You unfortunately get early notice that you are out of the running.

The good news, however, is that you are a new contributor and since I already have your address, I'll get some MdC out to you this week. Be prepared to be ruined for life. Williams and VDH will never cut it for you again.
I'm in. And I have the perfect name for your pelican.

Have you seem scarface?
Hey Mannie, look at the pelican! Fly pelican!
New contributer here. Thanks for all B&B!

That wise Pelican should undoubtably be called Archimedes after the great physicist, engineer, mathematician, and astronomer of the same name. Deciding the winner will certainly require the ability intellectualize, review data and calculations, and when all else fails look to the stars! Your feathered friend looks to have such a skill set.
New contributer here. Thanks for all B&B!

That wise Pelican should undoubtably be called Archimedes after the great physicist, engineer, mathematician, and astronomer of the same name. Deciding the winner will certainly require the ability intellectualize, review data and calculations, and when all else fails look to the stars! Your feathered friend looks to have such a skill set.

Thanks for being a new contributor, Sho-Nuff. PM me your address and I'll get you the MdC sample. Heading to the post office in about 45 minutes so if you get it to me before then, I'll send it out this morning.
I think Monte would be a great name! I believe that this was the name of the Pelican from the old Disney cartoons! If Disney thought this was a good name for a pelican, then it must be... right?


Thank you all so much for your submissions. I'm especially pleased that we have two new contributors who entered. One has already received his MdC sample and the other will be shipped out on Tuesday. Now, I'd like to walk you through a bit of my thinking on what I chase and why.

There were some good suggestions here that for various reasons didn't work out. Sam was an excellent suggestion, but that's my middle name and I look suggestively pelicanish myself so that was too close to home. Gulp had a humorous ring to it and I considered it, but a cease and desist letter arrived only yesterday from 7-11 suggesting trade mark infringement and I don't need that sort of trouble.

Nigera was an interesting suggestion, but a feminine sounding name. No reason our pelican couldn't be a girl, but I didn't want to choose a name that might mean constantly correcting the pronunciations. Henry, Pierre and Petey were all sufficient, but they lacked a certain frisson that I wanted in a name.

As for the Elvis suggestion, good try but there's only one King.

It was the Petros from Mykonos suggestion that arrested my imagination. My wife's family has connections to Greece and my daughter was at the most recent Olympics there (spectator, not participant) and I liked the story behind it.

And then I saw this Greece travel blog and fell in love with the pics:


So the Pelican's new name will be Petros and the winner of this week's PIF is DGreene120. David, send me your address so I can ship the stone out to you. I'll lap it before sending it so all you'll need to do is get to setting bevels on it.

Thank you to everyone for your suggestions.
Not in because it's over but I'd name him OGDEN after the fellow who wrote this poem:

[SIZE=+3]#1 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]The Pelican[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]By Ogden Nash[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+0]Photos by Laurie Haines[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+3]A wonderful bird is the pelican,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]His bill will hold more than his belican.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]He can take in his beak[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]Food enough for a week,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]But I'm damned if I see how the helican.

Ogden Nash

Not in because it's over but I'd name him OGDEN after the fellow who wrote this poem:

[SIZE=+3]#1 [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]The Pelican[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]By Ogden Nash[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+0]Photos by Laurie Haines[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+3]A wonderful bird is the pelican,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]His bill will hold more than his belican.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]He can take in his beak[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]Food enough for a week,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]But I'm damned if I see how the helican.

Ogden Nash

That would have been a contender.
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