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PIF: 85 Astra SP Blades

I'm in. Thanks for the opportunity! My favorite bass player is currently Scott Shriner. I've been listening to a lot of Weezer lately.
One thing I forgot to mention is favorite bass player. Since The Who is my favorite band I don't think there's question that John Entwistle is my favorite bass player. I had the opportunity to see them twice before he passed.

Now there's a man who knows his bass players, :thumbup1: I saw him but once.
I'm in! Not really into anything with bass guitar in it, so I can't really comment on a favorite. More of a swing-era jazz man myself.
My favorite is Dave Allen. (He's from the Gang of Four)

I'll say one more thing about Dave and then I'll clam up about him.
The first time I heard the second Gang of Four album, Solid Gold, was in a friend's car on cassette (yes, I date myself).
I heard the bass line in the opening cut, "Paralysed", and knew instantly that it had to be Dave.
BTW, not to be pedantic, but 13 tucks is 65 blades, not 85. :)
Good grief, you're right! Well that's embarrassing. And I can't even go back and edit my original post or the thread title. Oy.

Hopefully this will suffice as notice that jruschme is definitely correct, this PIF contains 65, not 85, Astra blades. My apologies for the oversight, please know that there was nothing more than lack of sleep at play here, I certainly wasn't trying to pull a fast one or be misleading. :blushing:

The random number generator at random.org has decide that the winner is post #25 , objectuser!

Thanks to everyone who participated. I also enjoyed seeing all the different bass players people listed as their favorite...definitely more variety than I anticipated.

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