Just curious: what will the Norton 4/8 give you that the coti won't?
This list is based on MY experiences, everyones will differ. Please take it for what it's worth! Im sure you could switch everything on these lists and pick out other stuff, but this I think is a good general comparison for you.
The Norton combo is one of the most popular hones.
Jack of all - You can tackle any razor with the 4/8k. You might spend time on the 4k to get out chips though.
Feedback - The 4k offers great feedback. The 8k takes a little more practice to master in this regard.
size - It is big, a coti of this size will easily be 200+.
Speed - both sides act quickly for their grit
Reliability - All Nortons are the same consistancy
Support - Most popular hone. If having problems THERE WILL BE HELP
Price - Cheap for the full set+lapper. Invest in a DMT diamond plate or sandpaper though, those lapping plates get untrued after a while. DMT plates NEVER need lapping. Why lap with something that needs to be lapped itself?
Size - It is big, you wont be able to hone warped blades as effectively. I cut mine with hacksaw into a 2x8 a 1x6 and a 2x1 slurry stone
Downtime - Needs soaking
Maintenance - Needs Lapped and water on it at all times. Needs lapped more often than most artificials. The 4k dries quick so you always need to splash water on it.
Speed - These remove metal quick. Overhoning can be an issue, but I have never had this problem.
Coticule - A top choice for finishing hones
Jack of all trades- Can go from around 1k to 8-10kish with slurry.
Prep time- splash water and you are good to go!
Maintenance - Needs lapping rarely. I have lapped mine once every 40 honings, but I use slurry often. Lap more often if using slurry.
Feedback- Coticules have amazing feedback.
Value - Coticules hold their value better than a NORTON would.
Looks/Variety - No two coticules are the same.
Support - Coticule.be is dedicated to coticules.
Size - available in any size/shape.
Overhoning -Overhoning is nigh impossible with a coticule.
Variety - No two coticules are the same. If you are having problems, others can only give you ballpark directions, no specifics, especially with lap counts.
Learning curve -These take a while to learn to use. Especially if using it as a full range hone. No two coticules behave the same so you may need to dilute slow or more quickly.
Price - These are more costly than most hones for their size.
Speed - When used as a finishing hone is much slower than the 8k norton. Depending on specimin between 10-100 laps for finishing. With slurry can be slower or faster than 4k norton.
My advice would be get the 220/1k 4k/8k Norton set first. You can tackle any razor with this setup and it is not much more than just the 4k/8k. If you do get the 4k/8k you will eventually wish you had a 1k. I don't own the 220, it seems way to large of grit for a full hollow. If I had a wedge with a chip I would use that maybe. Lynn abrams pyramid scheme is great for beginners who don't know how many laps to do. I do not use this method often. Only if I have a razor that won't get sharp and need a benchmark. If it gets sharp with the pyramid I then switch to my method.
Once you learn the basics with this setup buy a coticule. A coticule took me about 50 times longer to get succesful results. I still haven't mastered the two I own. I do like the coticule edge more than any other (escher/diamond/crox). The website coticule.be has a wealth of info on these. These hones have so much variety in honing ability its not even funny! Some cut super fast with water, and slow with slurry, or vice versa. some dull more with slurry than others. Feedback is different on all of them. Even the colors are different. Don't think you need a select or kosher, this is just astheitics and doesn't affect honing ability. I like one with a little character anyway!
I had a coti first and bought a NORTON second. The NORTON I bought from a barber that learned to use his coticule instead and didn't need anymore. I then sold my first coti and bought another later. When I master the coti I will sell the norton 4k/8k. The 1k is the most handy I think.
Hope this helps you on your quest, if you need any specifics about how they operate ask anyone here or I can help.
Good luck and welcome to a new obsession!
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