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Personal Area Product Suggestion

They ship to Japan. I'm not sure of the price. Plug in your zip (or whatever they call it there) and it'll give you an estimate.

UPDATE EDIT: Just checked. $16 to ship to you! That's insane. Maybe if you were buying a few tubes at a time. That'd be the only way to justify it. Maybe email them and see if they can help you out any.

I clicked on the items on Amazon and they all said "this item cannot be shipped to your default shipping address."

I checked ebay, and can get 2 tubes shipped for $30, which is about the same as the price on the freshballs website. (Never thought I'd be typing the words "freshballs website" in my life!)
It's intriguing but at that price I could buy a years worth of powder. Which, btw, if you're a dude and haven't used before, do yourself a favor and give it whirl, its like mouth wash for your crotch.
I clicked on the items on Amazon and they all said "this item cannot be shipped to your default shipping address."

I checked ebay, and can get 2 tubes shipped for $30, which is about the same as the price on the freshballs website. (Never thought I'd be typing the words "freshballs website" in my life!)

I was talking about the FB website itself ships to Japan for $16/ shipping. Crazy. If you found 2/ $30, grab 'em. That's cheaper than what I can buy it for. $15, plus shipping in US. I don't think the free ship code is good any more.

It's intriguing but at that price I could buy a years worth of powder. Which, btw, if you're a dude and haven't used before, do yourself a favor and give it whirl, its like mouth wash for your crotch.

True. But, like canned shaving foam, powder is no good. It falls. Does not stay where you need it to. It makes a mess. To each his own, eh?
I feel like this is the new version of getting Rick-rolled.

"Ah, honey, you wouldn't believe it. I was on B&B today and I got rickboone'd. I never saw it coming"

If you thought you were just gonna walk in here and start singing the praises of something called "FreshBalls" and not catch a little grief, you were mistaken. Not on my watch, buddy.
@Rickboone1 I placed the order for the 2 for 30 shipped to Japan. Looking forward to trying those out. Haven't told SWMBO. I'll be interested to see what her reaction is when she sees I bought a product called "Freshballs."
Yes. For me. YPASMV (personal area sweat)
Powdery cakes. This is silkier. Now, I haven't tried like the Monkey Butt powders and stuff to compare that, just Gold Dollar Bond and baby powder, etc.

I put it on my feet too. They have a fresh everything on that site, but I am pretty sure it's the same product, different label. I'm sure not going to spend $15 for each body part, so what works for the junk will work for the other funk.

The Anti-Monkey Butt Powder works pretty well, and if it fails, there's always Boudreaux's Butt Paste. I've got 'em both. They are lifesavers to long distance motorcyclists.
What does THAT have to do with THIS product? Nothing! A bit overboard.
Wow, tough crowd. I guess in the future I'll treat threads that discuss products called "Freshballs" with the utmost reverance and seriousness that it obviously warrants.
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Wow, tough crowd. I guess in the future I'll treat threads that discuss products called "Freshballs" with the utmost reverance and seriousness that it obviously warrants.

Thank you. Being a gentlemanly forum, that is appreciated. Albeit the name of the product can bring among some silly thoughts. However, it's a serious post about a problem that tends to affect many males. This product, though oddly named, is a suggestion by a member for whom it has worked for. Much like the use of a new shaving product. Hence, being in the skin and body section. For what it's worth, thread is not titled any such manner. It's titled without such to avoid this sort of thing exactly.
I'm not here to stir the pot, I was just injecting a bit of linked humor. I understand this is a gentlemanly forum, that's why I didn't post the reviews, just the link so one could choose to look or not. Like a previous poster suggested, with a name like that it's going to attract a wee bit of sarcasm along with some jabs with some humor and as far as I know to laugh is still gentlemanly.
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