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Parker razors...

I got the 97R a week ago, had 2 shaves on it on 3 day growths. It has the soft touch of the KCG but shaves like the R41, just wow. KCG clogs completely on 3 day growth, R41 gives me irritation so this is the golden middle. And for the price, it's absolutely marvelous. My only gripe with it is that the knurling is actually too aggressive, I'm too used to the stock R41 handle.
I got the 97R a week ago, had 2 shaves on it on 3 day growths. It has the soft touch of the KCG but shaves like the R41, just wow. KCG clogs completely on 3 day growth, R41 gives me irritation so this is the golden middle. And for the price, it's absolutely marvelous. My only gripe with it is that the knurling is actually too aggressive, I'm too used to the stock R41 handle.
Good thing!! I love my 91R, it is just aggressive enough for me. Can you swap handles? I plead ignorance on the R41..
This has been a great thread, thanks to all those who participated. Hopefully we will get a bunch more folks to jump on the bandwagon with us. If not, I will revisit this thread at a later date. Again, thank you to everyone who let us know that they are Parker owners, and fans..I don't feel so alone anymore...
I have their open comb and closed comb head and find they both bite if I’m not careful - especially under and around the nose. Straight down my cheeks they are smooth shaves. It’s navigating around tight spots that spoils the fun.
I have their open comb and closed comb head and find they both bite if I’m not careful - especially under and around the nose. Straight down my cheeks they are smooth shaves. It’s navigating around tight spots that spoils the fun.
Closed comb 91R, will bite if not careful around those areas, but is a very comfortable razor. Never any irritation, unless using Vokshod blades right out of the tuck...
I just got an 87R (short handle TTO) from Pasteur. I was concerned at first because the doors don't open uniformly (one door is a bit "stuff" and the other door opens smoothly), but it doesn't seem to affect the blade alignment or anything. I would say it is probably more aggressive than the Van Der Hagen short handle (Weishi 9306) or the Baili BR179, but I really like it so far (I have only shaved with it once). I used it with a Shark super stainless blade and I got a very good shave.

Member 113878

Did you notice if one side feels more agressive than the other?
Did you notice if one side feels more agressive than the other?
Actually came here to post this, 2 months after my initial post here. I binned my 97R today. I started noticing the blade exposure is uneven. First I thought I'm just imagining things. Then it slowly became obvious that the sides give different audio feedback and they feel different. Then I took a long hard look at it and it was unmistakable. I tried to tolerate it but I just got frustrated by it over time. Also, had several instances where the handle unscrewed a bit during the shave. I'm disappointed, I was so happy when I got it, but now I'm back to my KCG.
I had a Parker (forgot the model number) that shaved so rough, I ended up trashing it.

Now, I find myself looking at the Variant thinking about getting one (I liked the Merkur Progress I had except for the plastic dial)

Member 113878

I had two Parker TTOs in the past years that suffer the same uneven sides exposure...
I also briefly had a Variant which I returned back.
Even at the minimal setting it was much too agressive.
Had a Progress later, and it didn't have that problem.
Too much QC issues with Parker to me.
I have a Parker 26C. I don't like the way it shaves at all - too mild and clogs easily. Even worse than the Muhle R89 for me. At least the black handle is a good match for the Ikon B1 head, which is where it's ended up. I notice that the same handle is available on Ali Express for a few pounds, which is where I should have bought just the handle.
I like my 26C, but its a bit aggressive for me (girl here -chin/undearms/legs). It's mostly okay for the legs, but I have to be pretty careful. I've been given a Gillette Slim that I am just finishing up reviewing, and its great... the 8 is about the most aggressive I need, the 9 is a bit too much, but still not as aggressive as the 26C. I definitely had clogging issues, which I don't hear many people mention, but it was another factor in moving on.
Mine is a Parker 26C. I've had it almost 7 years, and I like it, but it's a bit too aggressive for me, and I've been given a Gillette Slim that is working out fine. For me the Slim on 8 is the most aggressive I'm good with, it's 9 is a bit too much, but still a bit less than the 26C. I also find it clogs easily, which is a pain. I liked it's look and it's weight and balance...but it will eventually become a PIF or charity auction item.
So I was able to adjust the holder of the "sticky" TTO door on my 87R using a pair of needle nose pliers (at the price of a tiny little scratch on the chrome on the side). Now both doors open the same. There doesn't seem to be any blade alignment issues with this razor (not that I can see, anyway).

I used this razor again this morning, and I think I didn't prep sufficiently as I got some irritation on my neck (this is nothing new, my neck is my problem area). This might be due to my "newbie" technique, but I feel like my Merkur 34C, Edwin Jagger DE89 provide a more drama-free shave.

I'll probably visit the 87R again later when I feel like my technique and preparation are better.
I've done some research on B&B as well as on other forums via google, but I still have some questions:

1. I'm not clear if all CC heads on the 3-piece Parker razors are the same -- current production only. I know in the past they had a head that was a bit rough, and a later one that was just as efficient but smoother. So, are the current 91r, 94r, and 97r all the same head, and is this the smoother head?

2. I have a Maggard V3 -- is this the same as any of the current production Parker heads? From what I have read, some people think this is so.

3. Can anyone confirm if the Maggard OC is the same as the Parker OC -- I have read that some people say it is.

I have a Parker semi-slant on the way and am looking forward to it.

I have a Merkur Progress, and from what I gather, the Parker Variant is very similar and probably not worth purchasing.
Shaved with my semi-slant today for the first time. Extremely efficient. On par with the closest shave I've ever got, but with the least effort. I had some redness, though, in some spots that dissipated in an hour or two. Minimal sting from the alum block, though.

Will use a different razor tomorrow, then back to the Parker semi for maybe the next shave.
Well, I ordered a 69CR, and received it today. Extremely nice build quality and finish. So this will go in line behind my semi-slant for upcoming shaves. I still need to try my semi for a second shave.

As an aside, does anyone consider the 69CR an adjustable? I would call it configurable, as I consider the Rockwell 6S, Maggard's, and any other manufacturer that offers different baseplates for their razors.😀

I didn't do a side-by-side visual comparison yet, but when fitted with the scalloped baseplate, it looks different from Maggard's V3, especially since the Parker has a thicker top cap. Also, the Parker is stamped "India", and the V3 is not.

BTW, I found the V3 a bit harsh on my one shave with it.
The Maggard V3 is definitely a different head than the Parker closed comb 3-piece. In addition to the top caps being different, the baseplates are also slightly different. I enjoyed the Parker shave a lot more than the V3. The Parker was both close and comfortable.

Also, I found out that all Parker TTO heads are the same.
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