Am very sorry to hear this news. My best thoughts and wishes are with you and your family.
I just got back from a retirement ceremony for one of the officers I had the great pleasure of serving under.
It was a beautiful ceremony, a mix of military tradition and some small town family feeling. As is customary, the retiring officer addressed those attending.
All the pomp, the bagpipes, the obvious affection from his family and devotion to his country were extremely moving, but the only time during the event I had to fight to try and keep a dry eye was during his remarks.
He paused to remember two young men who died in a training accident long ago, when his career was just beginning. It was his first experience with military death, and he told us that even though he didn't know them, as his retirement approached he often found himself thinking of those two young men, who fate had denied the life, family and career that God had allowed him to enjoy.
My condolences for your loss. I cant say I fully understand what your family is going through, but I can promise that there is remembrance, respect and an unspeakably deep appreciation from those who never knew your nephew.