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Our Nephew - a Tribute

Randy, I am sorry for you loss. My condolences go out to you. We need to honor Jared and others like him who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Freedom isn't free.

Dear Randy,
My deepest and sincerest sympathies go to you and you family on this very sad day. May you find peace in this most difficult time. You will be in our prayers.

Well, I'm a noob... but this post must be replied to.

I offer my sincerest condolences during this difficult time.
Reflect to a time of happiness, honor, and life's proud moments of Jared, I'm sure would have wanted it that way.
I thank him with all my heart and mind, for giving up (for us) the ultimate sacrifice...for our freedom.

Rest in peace Jared, Forever grateful.
Your all in thought's and prayers.
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Randy, I am sorry for your loss, too.

My nephew is a Green Beret; until a few weeks ago he was in Afghanistan. He was sent home to be with his wife, who is about to deliver their second child, then it's back over he goes to rejoin his squad.

He started his Military life as a Marine, doing two Iraq and one Afghanistan tours, and decided Special Forces was what he wanted to do. I think your nephew understood that...you note indicated that he was Army Airborne.

There is a saying, which I will paraphrase, that sums up how I feel about your nephew, my nephew, and all the fine folks in our Military...I sleep better at night knowing there are people willing to do dangerous work on my behalf to keep me safe.

May your grief ease soon.

Randy I am sorry to hear about your loss. Words can not express either the gratitude for the service rendered, or the sorrow felt at the loss of such a fine young man.

May God Bless!
My friends,

All of your responses are comforting and much appreciated. Every post.

Ouch, seeing Lincoln's letter, in his own handwriting along with the typed version was very nice. Thank you for that.

Geeno, you're right, Jared was Army Airborne and loved serving. We'll pray for your nephew, too.

NBT, thank you for posting, and welcome to B and B. I hope you enjoy your time here and post often. It's a great place.

Thanks again.
May he rest in peace. Since this all began 10 years ago almost, I now have a four year old son. It has changed my views on things quite a bit. I could only imagine the anguish of those who knew him.

I just saw this and offer my deepest condolences to you and your family. As a Proud American I take pride in our armed forces who seldom are thanked for the selfless acts they commit each day.

Tell his parents Thank You.... from all of us Proud Americans.
I just got back from a retirement ceremony for one of the officers I had the great pleasure of serving under.

It was a beautiful ceremony, a mix of military tradition and some small town family feeling. As is customary, the retiring officer addressed those attending.

All the pomp, the bagpipes, the obvious affection from his family and devotion to his country were extremely moving, but the only time during the event I had to fight to try and keep a dry eye was during his remarks.

He paused to remember two young men who died in a training accident long ago, when his career was just beginning. It was his first experience with military death, and he told us that even though he didn't know them, as his retirement approached he often found himself thinking of those two young men, who fate had denied the life, family and career that God had allowed him to enjoy.

My condolences for your loss. I cant say I fully understand what your family is going through, but I can promise that there is remembrance, respect and an unspeakably deep appreciation from those who never knew your nephew.
I just got back from a retirement ceremony for one of the officers I had the great pleasure of serving under.

It was a beautiful ceremony, a mix of military tradition and some small town family feeling. As is customary, the retiring officer addressed those attending.

All the pomp, the bagpipes, the obvious affection from his family and devotion to his country were extremely moving, but the only time during the event I had to fight to try and keep a dry eye was during his remarks.

He paused to remember two young men who died in a training accident long ago, when his career was just beginning. It was his first experience with military death, and he told us that even though he didn't know them, as his retirement approached he often found himself thinking of those two young men, who fate had denied the life, family and career that God had allowed him to enjoy.

My condolences for your loss. I cant say I fully understand what your family is going through, but I can promise that there is remembrance, respect and an unspeakably deep appreciation from those who never knew your nephew.

Thank you for this. Beautiful.

I'd like to offer my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I am very sorry for your loss.

<I hope that it is okay to post this type of thread. >

Absolutely, Randy. Thanks for sharing. Immense gratitude for the immeasurable sacrifice by your nephew and his family.
My good B&B Friends,

I don't mean to extend this thread more than appropriate, but I wanted to come back one more time and say thank you all for your posts here, for the PM's, and especially for your thoughts and prayers. The B&B community is a great place in so many ways! It feels very much like extended family, and I thank you for that!

I am happy to report that our family is doing well. The military today does a very good job of taking care of the families of fallen soldiers. Our nephew's wife has a person who has been assigned to take care of her directly for one year. He is going with her each day for the first 45 days to every meeting she has on base to meet with those who will explain the process for getting her benefits. He will help make sure she gets all the information she needs and understands what to do, and will answer any questions she has. The red tape still seems extensive, but the benefits definitely seem to be much better than they used to be. For example, they've told her both of their sons will have their college educations paid for. And there are many family members and friends around them to help them feel cared for and secure.

Thanks again, to all of you, and may God bless each of you.
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