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Oumo Kirin untreated super badger

I have just got a Oumo Kirin super badger 25mm brush and made a quick comparasion with the Simpson Chubby 2 super. I thought that super badger would be from similar types of hair but with different treatments to the hair.

Kirin is a 25 mm knot with 50 mm loft.
Chubby 2 is a 27 mm knot and 52 mm loft.

When they are dry both have the same soft feel to the hair. It seems like the Chubby 2 has just a light treatment to the tips, not much gel feeling. I have a Chubby 1 super that has got more treatment to the fibers and has more gel feeling and are stif when dry wich the chubby 2 isnt.
The Kirin knot feels denser than the chubby, wich surprises me a little.

When face lathering the Kirin has got god backbone, more than the Chubby 2. Kirin makes lather a little faster and realeses more from the brush than the Chubby 2. The Chubby holds on a little bit more to the soap, but its a bigger knot also.
Personaly i prefere the feel of the Chubby when compared head to head. But the feel of the Kirin is great. It is firm with a litle scratch, but a very plesant scratch. I like the Kirin feel a lot!

Kirin is a great untreated knot that i like, will se how it feels after using it for a couple of months.

In the pictures they havent dryed yet.

Hello,very informative review. Did you order this brush directly from the manufacturer's website?
Yes i did, shipping worked great and didnt take too long ca 19 days. :)

I have a lot of Oumo brushes, including Kirin 25.
In my opinion Oumo makes great brushes.
I prefer them than the Simpson brushes.
I will give the Oumo brushes some time and then i will have an opinion too! 😁

Great post n info.👍
Thanks! :)
I also looked at the manufacturer's website for the sake of interest, and I don't understand why I should prefer Kirin with such a price range to, say, Shavemac?
You are right that there is a wide price range at Oumos products, say from around 50 to 5-600 usd for a knot and handle. So are the case with many producers of "dont need to have things". 😁
I love brushes and have looked at many different artisans/producers of brushes and you have to find your own sweetspot for price/performance in these kind of products. I think i have looked closer at 6-7 different brands and none are realy cheap today if you look at the "premium" end. :)

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

I've been using my 27 mm Kirin Super Badger a lot, and comparing it with various brushes. I'm finding I like it more than many of them including my Simpson CH3 Manchurian and my Chubbies in Best Badger.

My second Kirin, in 25 mm, is in transit. I have a great many brushes including several Shavemacs, several Mozingos, several SV 2.0 and limited editions, etc. It's not like I need any more brushes. That's how much I like my Kirin.

It took a while to break in, but I liked it well enough from the get go.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

Brand new 25 mm Kirin Super Badger fan.
  • Handle is Compass shape.
  • Material is Ebonite Japanese Honey.
  • It is a Custom Limited Edition brush.
It's pictured new and never washed. Also washed and palm lathered, damp, with my 27 mm blue handled Kirin.

It will be used next time I shave.

Happy shaves,

I had Shavemac.
There is no better advice than to try it yourself :)
In my opinion, the best value for money is the Oumo Manchuria M-6 knot.
It is also more pleasant to work on the face than Kirin.
I think the M6/E4 are about the most luxurious badger knots out there. I have Simpsons, Shavemacs, Paladins, Chisel&Hound Fanchrian, Thater, Arno, Boti, and a bunch more. I so liked the Oumo knots I ordered one of the Origin knots and had @Rudy Vey make a custom brush handle for it. It is dreamy to use, though unless your thinking about it as a generations brush not sure you can justify the cost
I think the M6/E4 are about the most luxurious badger knots out there. I have Simpsons, Shavemacs, Paladins, Chisel&Hound Fanchrian, Thater, Arno, Boti, and a bunch more. I so liked the Oumo knots I ordered one of the Origin knots and had @Rudy Vey make a custom brush handle for it. It is dreamy to use, though unless your thinking about it as a generations brush not sure you can justify the cost
Have you also tried M5?


Ditto, ditto
I used my Kirin for the first time a few days ago. Utterly fantastic brush in every regard. Beautiful, sold, heavy handle with a super dense, soft tipped, and firm knot. Incredible.

Brush was shipped in a velvet bag, knot secured with string, with a certificate, all in a bamboo box.
All told, it was 19-20 days from order to delivery. It takes longer than that to get an off-the-shelf brush from YourShaving.

Mine is the Flagship Limited Edition Chinese Lacquer, Venus shape. The Chinese symbols in the website name translate to "Kirin Wrapped in Gold." I went with a 27mm knot.

FWIW, mine came it at virtually the same price as a Chubby 2 Super (if purchased from somewhere other than Amazon or eBay).

Note: iPhones aren't the best for photography; those are NOT bubbles in the handle, it is just reflection from my overhead lights.

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