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Osyri's Randomness Journal

Ummm, you forgot to call me uncle. 🤣

Subtlety is lost on UNCLE Eric!!!!, I purposely avoided it to get a rise out of you =P

Was it a gambling trip to Vegas and you put in the pot to say you were all in?

If not that really sucks. 😢

If I can gamble with razors, I'm all for it and will for sure go all in. "I raise your wolfmens with 2 straights and 1 blackbird."

First shave report of the year!

Blackbird TI not shiny with stand
Boar brush
A&E Asian Pear
Voskhod (1)
AS + Balm
9/10 BBS

Usual 1xWTG and 2xATG passes, noticed a bit of tug with Voskhod on ATG, made a slight angle adjustment and better cutting power. More hairs are growing by my jawline and underjaw which are difficult to cut, resorted to the Uncle Boris bullfrog method to get it clean shaven. Also had to make a pass or two with it on my Futur on level 6 to completely cut that area.


Was at a party and a bit tired and buzzed, so while waiting for friends I was browsing B&B and ran into Nephew 2.0's journal and he was asking about how to properly lather. I know for sure I had a lot of help and I have asked that question at some point in my shaving journal. I want all you Uncles and B&Bers to know that I hope I have improved and wanted Uncle Chris to be proud of me and that his advice and other B&Bers' are extremely helpful.


Randomness : For old time sakes and fun. ABP or Flanders 3.0 Police Report:

ABP : So yes, that damn padawan who stole my razor with stand is now posting it on his journal. Proof that he swapped my razor with stand.

Police : His razor is not shiny as stated on his post

ABP : He prolly photoshopped it to be in another color

Police : o sure, however a keen eye tells me that is also Ti and not SS

ABP : :eek2:

Police to his partner : This guy has a thing against this poor padawan

Police #2 : can't blame him, Darth Osyris has a nice razor setup

Police : Yeah, lets leave, not filing this insane mans report.
Time to bump my own journal!

Sitting at airport and saw a kid with simpsons t-shirt, thought I would leave some thoughts.

Hoping my shave kit doesn't cause me any issues as its checked in, Mom rolling her eyes when I told her to look after my apt, got the mom treatment, you travel so much, might as well move home, something about charging me less rent and making me pay for her house sitting. I can't begin with her.

GF still strong, just felt very sad not being able to spent more time.

Mind is full of thoughts, some I can joke about, some I can't put into words, and some just felt unspeakable.

This is a shaving forum, so thought I would ask this question and apologize for my random thoughts earlier.

Does your face adjust to the razor or your techniques adjust to your face? maybe both?

I have been using the Futur adjustable more and more lately as it has became my travel razor, figured if i lose it, it doesn't hurt so much as when i lose the BB Ti Shiny.

In the beginning, I couldn't even shave with it at level 1 without irritations, cuts, and burns, now I am going ATG on level 6 on neck, jawline, underjaw, and moustache with ease. Another phenomenal I noticed is that, when I used a disposable, I seem to be getting a closer shave than before or close to a DE. Basically is it technique or your skin adapting? In the case of disposable, there is no technique involved, u just press and shave so i ponder on that.

o/ take care all, will check in once I am done with my project.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I think the nerves directing our techniques adjust a whole lot more than our skin ever will. Like, we’re not toughening up on the ATG pass, we’re finding ways to make it less damaging. The feeling would be the same either way, but learning how to be more careful seems more likely than iron chin skin forming.

Safe travels!
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