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Open comb reco...

Speaking of cooncat Bob........one of my favorite razors is this Amboyna Burl handled NEW. It is the best of both worlds, a modern handle on a 1930 shaving head. I love its classy style.


Whoah! That is a seriously nice looking razor! :w00t:

Maybe one day when I fall in love with a razor head I will contact Cooncat Bob myself!
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I'm not a big fan of OC razors. A few months ago, I purchased a Merkur 23C razor from the Amazon site. It was listed as a Merkur 180 on the site. After it arrived, I found it to be an really excellent mild razor. I liked it so much that I ordered another as a gift for my son. The vendor who listed the "Merkur 180" on the second purchase shipped me a Merkur 25C which is a twin of the 23 C except for the fact it is an open comb model. When I found I could not return it, I gave it a try. The razor gave just as good a shave as the 23 C and was just as mild. As a quality, well made and relatively inexpensive razor, I have no hesitation in recommending either razor. Although open comb razors have the reputation of being aggressive, the 25 C was every bit as mild as the 23 C.

The reason I don't like the open combs is purely subjective. I don't like the "feel" of an open comb on my skin. The 25 C has not changed that. That having been said, the 25 C is an extremely nice razor and a real bargain for the price.

I hope this helps you.

This helps...I've been wondering how the shave of a closed vs. open comb Merkur (of the same model) compare. Thanks.
The New is a terrific razor, but I like my Single Ring a little bit more. Great razor. I also have the Goodfella and the Mühle R41, both of which are excellent.

Though I haven't used one, take a look at the new Weber razor. All stainless and it might turn out to be a good one.
WOW! :thumbup: Now that is class

It sure is!

Currently eying a cheap Gillette NEW one the bay, gonna wait until it ends and then try to snipe it.
If i win it and like how it shaves, then nothing is gonna stop me from getting a cooncat bob razor.
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It sure is!

Currently eying a cheap Gillette NEW one the bay, gonna wait until it ends and then try to snipe it.
If i win it and like how it shaves, then nothing is gonna stop me from getting a cooncat bob razor.

Is that the way CoonCatBob works ?

That is, you send him the razor head and he makes the handle ?
Is that the way CoonCatBob works ?

That is, you send him the razor head and he makes the handle ?

You could send him the head if you have one already...but he also has some NEW heads that he gets replated and fits onto his handles. No need to get one elsewhere...he's got a supply of the heads already. I suppose you would have to send him the head if it's one he doesn't already have.
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I alternate between a Thick handled New and a Merkur 15C. They are very similar in weight, feel, excellent shave, and both perform similarly with the same blades. The Thick handled New is gold plated, which I do not like as much, and the Merkur is nickel, so I prefer that. The balance on the Thick handled New is a bit more to my liking. I sometimes rotate in a Ball end New, which has a much higher center of gravity, and I do not like it as much--it always feels like I am about to drop it, but this is quite personal. I started with a Gillette old type, and that is also an open comb; it is better than the ball end new, but not as comfortable to me as the Thick handled New. Finally, I have a Sheraton, which I will list on BST when I have a bit of time. The Sheraton is a nice shaver, but I do not like the higher shape of the top of the TTO razors.
Have to agree with the lovers of the Gillette New! I got one recently and it is my first open comb.
I bought it with another razor, so the seller only charged me $10, and it's a real beauty! On top of that, the shave is amazing! This razor is close to 80 years old and it's becoming my go to razor! It's hard to beat that Gillette New when you are looking for an open comb razor.

Sure, Merkur and Muhle make some nice open comb razors, but when you compare the cost, buying vintage is a no brainer!

I agree. Got a NEW decades ago, before I even knew what it was or could appreciate it fully, but it is now my go-to razor...when I can't decide which to use with whatever blade, I grab a NEW. I have four of them :blush:

There are at least 3 different NEW configurations. The US long-comb is the most common, usually with ball handle. I've found the less-common short-comb version to have similar yet significantly different performance and quite a different base plate design: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=162987

I just received a British NEW from another B&B member, and will try it tomorrow, but it's similar to the long-comb but with a huge gap and overhang from the baseplate...can't wait to see how that performs!

So you have quite a few choices in the vintage market - and they were well-made back then.

- Bill
You could send him the head if you have one already...but he also has some NEW heads that he gets replated and fits onto his handles. No need to get one elsewhere...he's got a supply of the heads already. I suppose you would have to send him the head if it's one he doesn't already have.

Actually let the razor on ebay go, and i'm planning on contacting bob for one of those nice handles with a replated NEW head.

Lets hope its a RAD killer :laugh:
+1 Cooncat Bob. I ordered a bull mastiff deluxe with a New replated head on Tuesday, received it Thursday, and will take it on its maiden whisker voyage in about ten minutes. It is a beautiful piece.
+1 Cooncat Bob. I ordered a bull mastiff deluxe with a New replated head on Tuesday, received it Thursday, and will take it on its maiden whisker voyage in about ten minutes. It is a beautiful piece.

Very nice, let us know how it shaved.
I have been drooling on my keyboard all day looking at his custom razors.
Gonna order one in the near future. :thumbup:

Can anyone answer my previous question?
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