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Oldest razor you've actually shaved with is from . . .

The oldest razor I've ever shaved with is from . . .

  • The Twenty-First Century

  • 1960-99

  • 1950-59

  • 1940-49

  • 1930-39

  • 1920-29

  • 1910-19

  • 1900-09

  • 1890-99

  • 1880-89

  • 1801-79

  • Pre Nineteenth Century

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1941 Gold Fat-Handled Tech (The date of this razor is determined by the case it was in, so I cannot really know for sure.)

1946/47 Aristocrat (confirmed date by matching it with Acchim's Mr-Razor site.)
1905 Double Ring.

Isn't it awesome to think of the era when these razors were new? In my case, Teddy Roosevelt was President!! :001_cool:
1905 Double Ring.

Isn't it awesome to think of the era when these razors were new? In my case, Teddy Roosevelt was President!! :001_cool:

I never thought of that until you brought it up. I have a Tech from the start of WWII when FDR was president, an Aristocrat from the start of the Cold War Era when Truman was president, and another Tech from the Eisenhower Era. This all makes me wonder: who were the people who owned my razors, what lives did these people have?
A poll suggested by this recent thread about using a razor from 1905.

What is the oldest razor you've actually shaved with? If you have a bronze razor taken from the ruins of Pompeii, or more realistically, a 17th century straight, that's interesting, but doesn't count if you haven't shaved with it.

The oldest I've actually used is my Gem Junior Bar, which would be no newer than 1907. Great shaver, too. Oldest DE is an 1910 Single Ring, although I have a 1908 still to get to.

I recently was lucky enough to buy a Gem Junior which allows BBS shaves with todays SE blades. There is a thread about shaving with this amazing razor. Although it has a hidden adapter for stropping blades, it is easy to place a blade under the lather bar and just shave with a modern blade. It is simply amazing to use one of these which has a bar which stretches the skin as you shave even though over 100 years old.
1000 yr old Inuit jade razor (skinning Blade actually) very aggressive, but BBS in 65 passes.
I've got a couple of straights that date from around 1780- 1805 that I've shaved with. I don't use them on a regular basis but they are shave ready.
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