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No Simpsons love?

Ok, so in my well publicized search for the holy grail of creams, I like what I am reading about Simpsons. I saw a Youtube video where a guy is shaving with it and dips his finger in the cream to show the consistency (about 5:40 in the vid) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XIxNVzXhUY

I am waiting on my Truefitt, Trumper and Jagger samples and find myself looking back at Simpsons often. The simplicity of the packaging, the creamy smoothness I see in the video I am confused as to why there is not more talk about it here. They seem to be highly regarded in the brush category, and the people who have tried the cream and posted say positive things. There just seems to be less talk about it than I would think (or want).

Is it just ok?
Is there something I am not considering?
Since they don't send / sell samples, is it worth $24 to find out?

So if you have tried it and haven't posted....here is your chance to get the good or bad off your chest.....fire away!!!
Although I have not tried the Simpons cream, note that the company recently mentioned that they will shortly release a few scented versions of the product.
Trumper's coconut oil cream and Truefitt & Hill creams (any scent) have been my top pics for a very long time. Something would have to be exceptional to knock those products out of the front runner spot
Ok, so in my well publicized search for the holy grail of creams, I like what I am reading about Simpsons. I saw a Youtube video where a guy is shaving with it and dips his finger in the cream to show the consistency (about 5:40 in the vid) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XIxNVzXhUY

I am waiting on my Truefitt, Trumper and Jagger samples and find myself looking back at Simpsons often. The simplicity of the packaging, the creamy smoothness I see in the video I am confused as to why there is not more talk about it here. They seem to be highly regarded in the brush category, and the people who have tried the cream and posted say positive things. There just seems to be less talk about it than I would think (or want).

Is it just ok?
Is there something I am not considering?
Since they don't send / sell samples, is it worth $24 to find out?

So if you have tried it and haven't posted....here is your chance to get the good or bad off your chest.....fire away!!!

I have a jar of the Simpsons cream and in my opinion its much better than 'just OK'. I believe its well worth the $24 price tag,but others may disagree.

Turtle.......I have high hopes for both of these sample kits.......and the Truefitt pre-shave oil is top notch.


Keep it coming.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
It's a bargain at $24. I just finished a tub (tin?) and it's an excellent product. It's pretty close to Ultimate Comfort.


System Generated
One day I will have enough tenure here to understand the reference. I know I see that name referred to a lot though.

Dont worry about it. What one likes another won't. Not all products are universally loved or liked.

Use what works for you and what you like and don't get hung up on what others like.
Any input as to what Marco means when he said, "the new Simpsons shaving cream is a cream that "behaves" like a classic shaving soap. And, for that reason, many UK soap fans will probably love it!"?


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Dont worry about it. What one likes another won't. Not all products are universally loved or liked.

Use what works for you and what you like and don't get hung up on what others like.

I agree 100%.

On the other hand, you need to find out what you like.

You could order every available cream - if you had a lot of money and a lot of den space. Even ordering every available sample would be quite a collection.

When I was new to creams I found it effective to study the "3 favorite" or "5 favorite" creams posts. When you see the same name on many lists I believe it gives you a better shot at picking a winner.

It doesn't work every time, but it improves the odds. When someone as experienced as Marco likes a cream you know he is comparing it to many, many other creams - that helps as well.

My favorite is Castle Forbes Lavender and I found it by reading the above mentioned posts and seeing it resurface time and again on many shaver's lists.
I think there will be more talk about Simpsons Cream once the scented versions are released. I thought it was a fantastic performer but I really like strong scents.


System Generated
When I was new to creams I found it effective to study the "3 favorite" or "5 favorite" creams posts. When you see the same name on many lists I believe it gives you a better shot at picking a winner.

True and I value the opinions from good standing members like Marco and others very much. I just don't see Simpson mentioned in too many top 3 or top 5 lists yet. I've purchased products based on his and others opinions and haven't been disappointed yet. I will often look and ask what others with similar tastes and interests are using and enjoying, before I make a purchase.

Like the post above said, that may change once some scented versions are releases as many don't want to buy a $25-30+ cream (shipped) for unscented when there are so many others in that price range offering great scents.
Thanks guys.....I agree that most things are too subjective for someone else to tell you what is "good".

Where these conversations hold value for me is, observations made that will help me to immediately include or exclude a product. For example, if someone mentioned that Simpsons was a hard soap'ish cream (which I know it is not) I could immediately strike it from my list.

So having more input confirms that a product is worth trying so that I can make my own observations and decide.

Keep it coming.....
I'm waiting for the scented versions. I know I'm going to buy the Cafe Latte version. I've heard good things about their creams and I've been looking for a scent like that.
I think there will be more talk about Simpsons Cream once the scented versions are released. I thought it was a fantastic performer but I really like strong scents.

I think there are two issues that probably are leading to Simpson's Cream "flying under the radar." For one thing, they need to produced scented versions. And the fact that it seems that they have been "right around the corner" for a while now has led people to hold off until they are released.

The other issue has been the explosion of new products released. It seems that every week there is some release of well-performing soaps or creams, from the recent RazoRock stuff, to TFS, to PannaCrema, etc. This isn't to say they aren't all great, but just that its getting harder and harder to have unified reaction to members' experiences with a new product. I guess the most recent would be the MdC Fougere soap, but I was thinking about even a couple of years ago about how a new product would arrive (I specifically remember Madame Scodioli and the frenzy that caused) and a number of members would rush to buy it and there would be threads about discovering it, ordering it, and trying it out. I still see these but they don't cause the major thread chains they used to.
Creams are more strongly scented than soaps.

Soaps perform better than creams.

I use creams to enjoy the powerful scents at a slight price in performance (blade protection). How much is up to you and your mug.

Unscented cream makes the exercise useless.

Anyhow, can anyone confirm that the Simpsons cream is not another repackaged Creighton product?
I had a tin of Simpsons last summer but didn't care for it. After about 5 shaves I gave it to my son-in-law who liked it and finished it off. But he's a thrifty fellow, so he didn't replace the Simpsons when gone. These days I'm mostly a soap user. The only cream I consider worth having around is T&H Rose.
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