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Newbie soap recommendation

Strop shoppe

Both super easy to get great amounts of great lather.

Mikes is great but a little trickier to lather. Strop shoppe does take a while to ship their soaps. I've read of resellers who are faster. Another great, easy soap is speick. Only available as a stick, but if you don't like it as a stick (I don't) you can cut it up or grate it into a container or bowl or ramiken.

+1 on each of these suggestions, almost no point in repeating what's been said but I think these are the 3 best. IMO Strop Shoppe is my favorite but Mike's and Tabac are right there as well. All produce high quality lather and smell awesome.
Welcome to B&B; enjoy the forum and your shaves. YMMV, but Col Conk Bay Rum and Almond are great. Also, Proraso white tub whips up a dense, slick lather effortlessly. Like I said...YMMV.

Soaps and crèmes are where Acquisition Disorder can really get out of hand. The Mama Bear soaps are great for now. You will learn to lather with them and you should get a few hundred shaves out of them. Maybe just work with them and get your technique honed until you actually need more soap...I know, I know...sacrilege.
Welcome, and enjoy the journey.

Some may not agree with me, but i love the Strop shoppe (www.stropshoppe.com) soaps, easy and fast to lather with fantastic smell. Be warned they sometimes have a long lead time that isn't noted on the site.

again welcome.
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^^It's not sacrilege. It's just crazy talk!

Strop Shoppe makes some of the best soaps I've ever used. But there's a lot to sort out between the tallow, non-tallow, double-butter, et al. And I don't know, but I think going cheaper at first makes sense for n00bs. YMMV.
Arko stick
Speick stick
Palmolive stick

Stay away from the artisans for now - many are temperamental and take more experience, but you might have an innate ability to nail water/product mix the first time!
Stay away from the artisans for now - many are temperamental and take more experience, but you might have an innate ability to nail water/product mix the first time!

Thats why strop shoppe, MdC, and LA shaving soaps are being recommended. Fantastic soaps and among the easiest to use-- as easy as vdh and tabac. Super wide sweet spot for water/loading.
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