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new gold razor from ruprazor not shave ready

I've been learning by doing for the past year. My stropping was atrocious until just recently, and now I've started seeing the results that I've always thought I should. Most of us have a learning curve that really seems to go on forever, particularly with the required honing and stropping, and going through the process of identifying what works and doesn't.

I have had Ken put edges on a number vintage razors back when I first started and had no experience, and wanted, actually needed, the presence of a well-sharpened razor so i would be able to know what it means to shave with a really sharp razor. I've messed up the edge on a number of them, and that's the incentive for me to learn to do it and do it right. I don't want to be dependent on somebody else to keep my razors sharp.

If you want to maintain the interest and excitement, it takes some committment in time and effort. I hope you will soon turn the corner and be able to do it yourself and enjoy the results just that much more. Good luck.
Stropping has proven to be very challenging. After about 3 months, I am finally getting okay at it. I think part of the problem with newbies is after they shave and then strop, their stropping just isnt good enough to bring the edge back. It may bring it back 50 percent but not where it should be.

I believe if a person does his research than he knows to keep the spine flat, pull tight, how to flip etc, so I think people actually damaging the edge from not stropping correctly as far as technique goes is probably referenced a bit much.

I think a you need to go relatively fast to have an impact and learn the proper sounds from the draw.

When I first started out I always read light pressure, light pressure. I think in the beginning I was using way less pressure than I should have been. You need to put enough pressure to feel a draw and hear a draw.

Im having a hard time putting this into words for some reason so maybe somebody can come along and add on.
Take solace in the fact that your experiences are not uncommon when picking up straight shaving. Glad to hear that you stuck with it and your technique is improving.
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